17 May 2009

Urgent Note on Tin Myo Win’s Freedom and new US Economic Sanctions

BY: Mr. Vijay 'Bidrohi'

‘Burma Review’ welcomes the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s family doctor – Tin Myo Win by State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) and eagerly waiting to see the release of Daw Suu Kyi on Monday. It is unfortunate to know through news reports about the renewal of US economic sanctions on Burma. The US administration should have waited till Monday in renewing economic sanctions. In addition, SPDC shouldn’t mistake in understanding the concerned US economic sanctions as punitive measures. But they should consider it as a temporary and a ‘trophy’ of respect to your great leader. Burma Review once again appeals SPDC to free Daw Suu Kyi and hopes that, after her release, US economic sanctions would be removed quickly and engages with ‘tatmadaw’ for the economic development of Burma. The constitutional aspect and its review could be worked out together with economic development plan of Burma.

However, I’m sorry to inform my friends of NCGUB and NLD that, forces of ‘regimented ideology’ have penetrated into the senior rank and files of your organizations against the ‘political visions’ of Daw Suu Kyi of ‘open society’ (as well as in the defence structure of Burma) and many allegations of SPDC are true related with concerned issues. So, western world of ‘open society’ should be very careful in any future punitive policies against SPDC. Although, Burma Review will not allow the ‘piggy-back’ ride on Daw Suu Kyi’s popularity to reach ‘state power’ by those elements against her political visions as it considers these sorts of 'secretive ploy' & the so called ‘scientific development model’ as most ‘unscientific model of development’ and super imposed ‘economic-political-social structure’ through the force of ‘guns’ against basic human values, Burmese and Indian civilizational ethos.


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