27 May 2009

Note on China

By: Mr. Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

Recently, two important developments took place in China. The first one was celebration of 11th Communist Party of China (CPC) Congress of the PLA Air Force in Beijing on 22nd May 2009, attended & blessed by President – Hu Jintao. And second was the arrival of Kuomintang (KMT) Chairman – Wu Poh-hsiung at Beijing on 25th May 2009 together with recognition by the senior leaders of CPC to remember the contributions made by great pre-communist Chinese leader – Dr. Sun Yat-sen. (1)

Both event present important strategic guidelines of CPC vision towards their ultimate goal. The first event was important in terms of statement made by Chinese President – Hu Jintao at the 11th CPC Congress of the PLA Air Force. In which, he urged, “to build a powerful air force to meet the demands of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) for missions in the 21st century,” he further stressed that, “the Air Force should enhance the message of loyalty to the Party among all officers and soldiers as an essential part of their military training.” (2)

So in the communist China, the Air Force is for the party (CPC) and not for China, which normally happens in any communist state? In the regimented country, every organs of state institution has to fulfill the objective of the party, as party is nation & nation is party and every citizen is assumed to be a party member including their business organizations to fulfill party tasks. Moreover, what would be the fate of those normal citizens, who doesn’t obey party guidelines for not being a party member could be well understood in any regimented society? If the same event would have happened in any ‘open society states’ like - USA or in India, you would have found US – President – Mr. Obama making a statement that, “US Air Force should be prepared to meet the challenges of 21st Century in protecting great American nation,” and in the same pattern by Dr. Man Mohan Singh in India or even in Britain or in France etc.

The second event to recognize contributions made by- Dr. Sun Yat-sen during the visit of Taiwanese leader is a landmark event, as it is a key to solve the Taiwan straits problem. The new reformed China officially recognizes multi-party democracy, having eight non-communist parties like – (1) Revolutionary Committee of Chinese Kuomintang, (2) Chinese Democratic League, (3) China National Democratic Construction Association, (4) China Association for Promoting Democracy, (5) Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party, (5) China Zhi Gong Party, (6) Jiu San Society, (7) the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (ACFIC, the most recent one) and, (8) Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League. If you read regular official released documents of China (of more than decade) on non-communist parties role in nation building, you would find the name of concerned non-communist parties always indicating that, “Non-Communist Parties praise CPC leadership in advancing socialism,” (3) but interestingly without any courtesy of mentioning the name of the party leader of any non-communist parties. Probably, raising or highlighting name of any leader of non-communist parties in media might endanger the ‘scientific way of socialism’ or challenge the leadership in China?

US Treasury Secretary – Timothy Geithner is scheduled to visit China from May 31 to June 2. Mr. Geithner will be visiting as a special envoy of US President – Barack Obama and during his visit the US-China mechanism for ‘Strategic and Economic Dialogue’ is expected to be upgraded, which were initiated by the respective two nations in 2005 and 2006. The US treasury secretary forthcoming visit will concentrate on economic and financial topics including energy, environmental protection, intellectual property rights and services. (4) For international community, the current world economic crisis is a painful event resulting into huge unemployment figures & crumbling banking institutions. But for the Chinese President – Hu Jintao- it presents ‘hardships’ as well as great ‘opportunities’ amid financial crisis. (5) Mr. Hu knows where opportunities lie – the rich example of Iceland’s electoral result is before him? It is for others to guess where – inside or outside China? However, the US Treasury Secretary also knows about the opportunities Mr. Hu visualizing? Now the golden question emerges, does political leadership of ‘open society’ of South Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa and Latin America etc. are also aware of those opportunities or not? It is also important for Indian leadership to re-think that, whether NAM is still relevant or time has arrived to start a new international institution like – “World Forum for Democratic Cooperation” of open society nations?


1. KMT Chairman Kicks off eight-day mainland visits, Xinhua News, Beijing, China, 25th of May 2009.
2. Hu Jintao calls for powerful air force to fulfil PLA’s missions, Xinhua News, Beijing, China, 22nd of May 2009.
3. Non-Communist Parties Praise CPC leadership in advancing socialism, Xinhua News, 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Beijing, China, 17 October 2007.
4. US Treasury Secretary to visit China, Xinhua News, Beijing, China, 26th of May 2009.
5. Hu: Hardships and Opportunities amid global financial crisis, International Department Central Committee of CPC Press Release, Beijing, China, 24 February 2009.


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