19 May 2009

Message of India’s Verdict to the World

By: Mr. Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

Once again the enlightened people of India in its 15th Lok Sabha election proved that, they rejects leftist political strategy to get elected and reach ‘state power’ by their creation of ‘third front’ alliance and still believes in the rich ethos of great Indian civilization. It also proved that, majority of Indian people rejects the philosophy of ‘coercion’ fatally imbibed originally in the philosophy of ‘communism’ and strongly believes in Gandhian values and rich Indian culture and has faith in the vibrant leadership of honest & humble Congress Prime Minister – Dr. Manmohan Singh.

The decisive victory of Indian National Congress Party through – UPA (United Progressive Alliance) had been not expected by media analyst, scholars and even by many Congressmen. In my earlier post, long before the election, I wrote that I could see the spark of Gandhi in the eyes of young congress leader and party General Secretary – Mr. Rahul Gandhi, which he also proved in his long election campaign speeches and his media interaction by speaking truth on ‘systemic issues’ and answering attack by opposition on ‘hereditary rule’ like Mahatma Gandhi, which resulted into the Congress victory together with its pro-poor programme of Congress for the Indian peasants & labourers. However, it would be a gravest mistake from his part, if he accepts any ministerial post in the forthcoming Government as he needs more time to spend in Indian villages to rebuild the party on Gandhian values? If Congress temporarily lost its old glory of Gandhi and Nehru days, it was because of drifting away from following Gandhian personal conduct in public life by the political leaders. In addition, flexibility to change in the fast changing new international strategic situation coherent with India’s basic values, which are also the values of great Asian Civilization against the philosophy of ‘communism’ in its totality to solve problems in India as well as of world. The 15th Lok Sabha election result also proved that, Indian people doesn’t consider - United States, Britain and France as imperialist in contemporary politics as propagated by leftists in a finely crafted strategic move but considers partners of ‘common values’. The people of India knows that 'colonialism' is a history and aware of new dangers to the representative democracy or open society values.

India’s mammoth election exercise had been keenly watched by world powers including the nations of fellow Asian countries and nations of Africa & Latin America, which is quite natural as it has far reaching consequences in international relations as India being a new world power. However, the very basic values of Indian culture of ‘tolerance’ and philosophy of ‘vasudaib kutumbkum’ (love to all) doesn’t believe in the so called notions of ‘power’ and irrational communist theory of ‘scientific model of development’, which is most unscientific theory ever produced in the history of human civilization in the name and slogans of serving humanity.

The so called theory of ‘scientific model of development’ based on the Marxist philosophy of ‘dialectical materialism’ later enriched by Mao and Lenin is irrational and unscientific as it considers every human being as an ‘economic wild animal’ to be tamed by the force of ‘violence’ in the name of serving humanity. If we free the whole concept of Marxism-Mao-Lenin’s theory from its jargon in a simpler way of understanding for the common readers. We find that it believes in the notion that, resourceful ‘human being’ always acts with its brain for the exploitation of masses (in the paradigm of protecting resourceful class) and doesn’t have any ‘graceful heart’ contrary to the natural behaviours of mankind . However, history of Asia has proved time and again that resourceful persons, from the Lord Buddha to the Mahavira of Jainism, from great Mauryan King Ashoka to the Emperor Akbar of Mughal dynasty and from Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. to Mother Teresa etc. of Modern Age, that society could be served well and with more sincerity, if one has got graceful heart and purpose of serving the people? And worst dictators and exploiters of people could be found in any system from Communist to liberal democracy and also in the monarchy, if the leadership doesn’t have a ‘graceful heart’?

The very fact of acceptance and disclosures by the China’s Communist Party that, “by June 2007, a total of 24,879 corruption cases had been investigated having a bribery of more than 6,156 billion Yuan and in which government employees had been involved in 5,523 cases, accounting for 22.2 percent of those caught’, (1) reveals and establishes the fact that, despite the ‘ideology of forced coercion’ they are not free from corruption. It also establishes that, the corruption can’t be controlled by any forced controlled political structure like – ‘communism’. Communism fails to understand that, it would be more effective to control corruption through raising ethical and human values in society ingrained in the holy Buddhist Tripitakas, Holy Bible, Holy Quran and perennial holy Vedas etc. and setting examples of simplicity by political leadership rather than of ‘regimented political structure’.

For communist, in their philosophy, they consider themselves as a legitimate ring master ordained by Marx of famous ‘Russian Circus’ in the purpose of taming all human being as wild animals. They forgets that, every human being from rich to poor, from King to the Prime Ministers and President has got a beautiful sensitive heart, which sometimes appreciates beauty of the nature, a good fine poetry, literature, music, drama, films, food etc. and sometimes wants to make love with opposite sex and can throw away all comforts and empires and kingship for the sake of his/her desired love mate. Even in a day to day life, we find that most indiscipline daughters and sons of even richest or poor find themselves meek before there father and mother caught in a wrong conduct in any civilization. Here, indiscipline daughters and sons surrenders before their father and mother not because of fear of ‘forced coercion’ but due to the love, respect and affinity of family bond. So the very concept of ‘legitimacy of violence’ in Communism is against the basic human behaviour, which Gandhi understood well. And to establish the theory that, Marxism-Leninism reveals the ‘universal laws’ governing the development of history of human society, (2) is a big jargonized camouflage to facilitate the enjoyment of ‘power’ and ‘wealth’ to few selected people in the name of ‘people’s democracy’.

Moreover, if deeply studied, the very basic philosophy of ‘communism’ is against individual freedom of expression and a ‘utopian unscientific model’ of development against the basic human values. In practice, Communist states, that, you can criticize party and follow truth but only within the party forums. One could have understood this discipline, if it should have been only applied to party members. But history has shown that, after the establishment of communist rule, every citizen of the concerned nations is forced to remain silent on government policies. In their system, if anyone dared to criticize, they found themselves in jail, torture, elimination or at forced location. So it also prevents ‘open debates’ against the very original ethos of Indian, Burmese or any Asian Civilization. Burma has a rich tradition of producing leaders of fostering values of open society & debaters like- India and great Rev. U Ottama, Bogyoke Aung San, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi are few of them among many great sons & daughters of Burma.

It is interesting to note that, on 13th of May 2009, three days before the counting of votes scheduled on 16th of May 2009, China’s official media Xinhua published the interview of Bahujan Samaj Party – leader – Ms. Mayawati’s giving the title – ‘Indian Woman Political Leader Aims PM Seat’. (3) Chinese official media didn’t find any other political leader from India to interview in spite of having many other politician & stalwarts of Congress Party, Bhartiya Janta Party or Samajwadi Party etc. If we take care of timing, till 13th of May, the so called ‘third front’ of leftists had been without any candidate for Prime Minister and within twenty-four hours of the publication of interview of Ms. Mayawati in the Chinese official media, the leader of CPM and party General Secretary – Prakash Karat declares that, Ms. Mayawati is the candidate of Prime Ministership of their front.

The great Indian civilization has a rich records of producing great debaters, leaders and philosophers devoted in the selfless service of humanity. From Lord Buddha, Mahavira to Shankaracharya, and from Swami Vivekanada, Dayanand Saraswati to Gandhi and Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore etc. are few examples among many great sons of India. Does India need Marx-Lenin or Mao to serve the humanity, the answer is big ‘NO’? which Indian people have rightly reflected in the 15th Lok Sabha election in its message to the world.


1. CPC disciplines watchdog vows to tighten crack down on corruption, International Department Central Committee of CPC Press Release, Beijing, China, 16 January, 2008.

2. The Ideological and Theoretical Basis of the Communist Party of China, Published by the International Department Central Committee of CPC, Government of China, Beijing, China.

3. Karuna Madan, Interview - Indian Women Political Leader aims PM Seat, Xinhua News, 13th of May 2009, Beijing, China.


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