12 May 2009

Burma-France-Tibet and the story of Mr. Liu of China

By: Mr. Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

A few days back, the Mayor of Paris, France – Mr. Bertrand Delanoe took a decision to stick with his earlier judgment to organize a function next month to award Rev. Dalai Lama – the spiritual leader of Tibet and man of virtue, an honorary citizen of Paris. But China reacted in a highly condemnable threatening tone towards France. (1) China’s ‘hate theory’ about Rev. Dalai Lama is a well known fact to the world. On 28th March 2009, the Chinese establishment observed ‘Serfs Emancipation Day’ in Tibet to propagate the theory of ‘ending serfdom’ in Tibet. It is like fooling Burma’s military junta by forging relations with ‘tatmadaw’ at a one time and supporting Communist Party of Burma (CPB) side by side from Chinese soil, when they failed to dislodge ‘tatmadaw’ through the force & philosophy of ‘barrel of gun’ (which will be explained in next article – “China’s double-sword strategy in Burma”). Moreover, why there is a cry from China, when some rationale people of other nations wants to honour a man of truth like– Rev. Dalai Lama?

China’s official media states that abolishment of serfdom in Tibet was the people’s own historical choice in its white paper. (2) If it was Tibetan peoples own historical choice, then why it was captured through ‘Guns’ in the name of dictatorship of proletariats’ in 1959 forcing Rev. Dalai Lama to flee from his home? China could make an attempt to fool Americans by propagating and comparing abolishment of serfdom in Tibet as US anti-slavery movement, (3) but not to the world of open society.

It is a common and regular feature in Chinese official media since 1950’s to castigate Rev. Dalai Lama as a feudal Lord as well as establishing him as a ‘capitalist’ perpetuating serfdom in China through religious institution. One can also find statement in Chinese official media that, - “Before sweeping democratic reform was launched by the central government in 1959, Tibetan people had suffered under a system of feudal serfdom at the hands of religious-political rulers.” (4) But the same Chinese communist political leadership, which abhors philosophically mixing of religion with politics regarding Tibet, finds it suitable to utilize another Tibetan religious leader – Shingtsa Tenzinchodrak of Kagyu sect by coining him as ‘Living Buddha’ and organizes his trip to western world in March 2009 to propagate ending of serfdom in Tibet. (5) It is noteworthy that, Mr. Shingtsa Tenzinchodrak has been also a Vice Chairman of the ‘Standing Committee of the Tibetan Autonomous Region People’s Congress’ of China.

For China, Rev. Dalai Lama is a hated ‘Capitalist’ or ‘feudal lord’ because he is still loved by majority of Tibetan’s for his ‘simplicity’, ‘truthfulness’ and ‘humanism’. However, the Chinese controlled propaganda machine, which is a necessary element for the survival of regimented philosophy doesn’t take care of the fact, that at another occasion, they had rich records of praising ‘Capitalist’ in contemporary China?

But yes for getting praise officially in China one needs to be a ‘communist capitalist’. As during the 17th Communist Party of China National Congress, the official web site of Communist Party of China praises by writing giving a lofty title – “Communist hammer-and-sickle flags millionaire’s Sedan” and I quote – ‘Mounting the hammer and sickle flag on his luxury car’s control panel, Liu Sirong, a wealthy businessman in south China’s Guangdong province wishes the red symbol of the Communist Party of China (CPC) would bless him for the future’, unquote. (6) Mr. Liu is a very happy man as his company has penetrated into the American and Japanese markets. (7) It is easy to penetrate into the 'social-economic-political-defence' structure of open society by the forces of regimented society but it is equally hard for open society to penetrate into the social-political-defence structure of regimented society. Yes they could find some space in economic domain of regimented society after the new strategic move of open economic reforms policy of Deng Xiaoping. The latest is the conclusion of ‘second China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue’ reaching to some consensus on 11th of May 2009. (8)

There is a surprising news in Chinese official media that, a former French diplomat and CEO of business firm Ms CEC consulting – Mr. Lionel Vairon saying to Chinese official media – Xinhuanet that, “the western media’s violent storm of criticism on China are rumors and slanders”, which he also establishes in his book “Threat of China”. (9) Probably as a CEO of a business corporation these sorts of notions could be beneficial in fetching business from China. But a statement from a former diplomat from France, the nation, which recently received threatening message related with forthcoming visit of Rev. Dalai Lama reminds me of a statement of Mahatma Gandhi that, ‘the biggest threat which exists for open society is lust and greed of capitalist for profit earning as it also provides an opportunity for unbridled growth of capitalism’, and he warns towards the notion that, “it is wrong to think that business is incompatible with ethics…the plea that business and ethics never agree is advanced only by those who are actuated by nothing higher than narrow self-interest.” (10)

Mr. Liu is also a legitimate ‘capitalist’ of China as he is equipped with hammer and sickle flags in his luxurious car – Sedan, which probably Rev. Dalai Lama hasn’t got in his philosophy of holy ‘Buddhist tripitakas’, so he is a hated ‘capitalist’ and ‘feudal lord’ in China’s official media? Rev. Dalai Lama is also a hated personality in China as he can’t become future strategic facilitator of ‘socialist-communist revolution’ like new emerging business corporate leaders of regimented society in a contemporary world.


  1. No more ‘errors’ on Tibet, China tells Paris, AFP News, 7th May 2009, also published in Chinese Xinhua news, China opposes honorary Paris Citizenship for Dalai Lama, 7th May 2009.

  1. Senior Official: abolishment of serfdom Tibetan people’s own choice, Xinhua News, China, 25 March 2009.

  1. Living Buddha says serfs emancipation in Tibet similar to US abolition of slavery, Xinhua News, China, 24 March 2009.

  1. Dalai Family owned 6000 serfs, Xinhua News, China, 20 March 2009.

  1. Note No. 3.

  1. Communist hammer-and-sickle flags millionaire’s Sedan, Chinese Communist Party official web site, Beijing, China, 18 October 2007, also reported in Xinhua News same day by writers: Yu Zheng, Che Xiaohui, Zhao Ying.

  1. Ibid.

  1. Second China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue reaches lots of consensus, Xinhua News, China, 12 May 2009.

  1. Lin Li, Former French diplomat on western media’s criticism on China, Xinhua News, China, 12 May 2009.

  1. Mahatma Gandhi, To the Businessmen, Harijan, May 4, 1935, India.

(The End)

(Note: For the security of web site the web link of endnote references has been not provided as per the endnotes rule, Burma Review, India)


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