30 September 2009


Document No. SG/SM/12501, UN Secretary General, 28th of September 2009
Courtesy : UN News Centre

The following statement was issued on 28th of September by the Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

The Secretary-General met this morning with Prime Minister Thein Sein of Myanmar. The Secretary-General reiterated his clear expectation that Myanmar will respond in a timely manner to the proposals he left with the senior leadership of Myanmar during his visit. In particular, the Secretary-General made clear that the onus was on the Government to create the necessary conditions for credible and inclusive elections, including the release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all political prisoners, as well as dialogue with all stakeholders.

The Secretary-General reiterated his intention to work through his good offices with the Government and people of Myanmar to address the political, humanitarian and development challenges facing Myanmar, a role which was strongly endorsed again last week at the high-level meeting of the Group of Friends on Myanmar.


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