22 September 2009

America in the Eyes of Contemporary China

By: Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

Important Note: The purpose of the article is to indicate Chinese sadistic communist attitude, taking pleasure in American tragedy has even not changed in present phase and Obama administration should take suggestions of Republican Party seriously on the concerned broad question’s regularly published on GOPUSA as JFK was democrat and not republican. Present ‘world economic crisis’ is not mere recession but ‘economic cold war’. The open society nations need to check the existing gaps in their stock markets– Vijay ‘Bidrohi’.

In my earlier post entitled – “John F. Kennedy, J. L. Nehru, Bogyoke Aung San and Daw Suu Kyi: Four Personalities - One Soul (Part-I)” published on 15th February 2009, I mentioned the Chinese official vision of taking sadistic pleasure at the time of tragic death of one of the great leader’s of America- John F. Kennedy by writing ‘Kennedy Biting the Dust’ showing the dead President Kennedy lying in a pool of blood and his necktie marked with dollar sign’ in their official leading newspaper – ‘Daily Worker’. However, open society of the West gave positive tribute to their great leader Mao at his death. One may assume that, it was natural Chinese reaction as the world was clouded in the cold war rivalry. However, the fact is that, official Chinese sadistic perception towards America has even not changed in contemporary phase. On the tragic eventful day of September 11, 2009 (the painful American tragedy of September 11 is known to the world), Chinese official media ‘People’s Daily’ published an article entitled – “Bobby and Jackie: a modern American Greek Tragedy”. The article was published taking note from the book of C. David Heymann entitled – “Bobby and Jackie: A Love Story” written on the love affairs of Robert Kennedy (popularly known as Bobby) and Jacqueline Kennedy. The article attempted to highlight that, John F. Kennedy was intellectually inferior then Robert Kennedy and I quote – “Jackie and Bobby had a much closer intellectual liaison than Jackie and John”, unquote.

The article also attempted to prove that “these sorts of illicit love affairs often happen in American free society and “American power elite often play by different rules”, indicating Chinese communist society as an ‘ideal one’. The attempt to denigrate American values by Chinese communist is a regular phenomenon in Chinese official media or the media strictly controlled by the Chinese Communist Party without accepting the fact that ‘love’ can take place at any part of the world, if both the opposite sex agrees and even among rich or poor, Or even old and young and it doesn’t know any foolish communist political control?

Even, if the news of love affairs between Bobby and Jackie are correct then what is wrong in it after the death of JFK, having consent of both? At least, Bobby or Robert Kennedy was not keeping number of concubines like Chinese communist party officials? For example, the Chinese Communist Party’s “Central Discipline and Inspection Commission” themselves accepted on 4th of September 2009 reported by Li Hong for “People’s Daily”, that, “Ninety-five percent of the corrupt officials investigated and sent to law by the commission, at least one mistresses or concubines was embroiled in each case.” It further discloses and I quote, “In China, former Shanghai top leader Chen Lianyu was sent to prison for abusing the city’s pension fund and leading a “decadent lifestyle”, implying that he took multiple mistresses. A woman surnamed Li, who had relationships with the former Qingdao City Party secretary, former SinoPec Chairman and the country’s former finance minister, led to revelation of a colossal graft case…And, sometimes unpleasant wrangling with concubines may force an official to the edge. Duan Yihe, former Chairman of Jinan City’s people Congress, or local legislature, in Shandong Province, had his concubine and her car bombed into pieces, because he got the information that woman, stranded then, was going to tell his corruption at the local prosecutor’s office, unquote. (1)

In addition, a corrupt senior official in Shaanxi province had been brought down by his eleven mistresses, as per the state media ‘People’s Daily’ reports published on 7th September 2007. Moreover, keeping concubines by Chinese Communist Party officials caught in corruption are in increase with compared to year 2009 to 2007. (2)

Although interestingly, article-2 of the marriage law of the People’s Republic of China advocates for – “A marriage system based on the free choice of partners, on MONOGOMY and on equality between man and woman shall be applied. And, article-3 states that, “marriage upon arbitrary decision by any third party, mercenary marriage and any other acts of interference in the freedom of marriage shall be prohibited. The exaction of money or gifts in connection with marriage shall be prohibited. Bigamy shall be prohibited. Cohabitation of a married person with any third party shall be prohibited… etc. unquote. (3)

The culture of taking second wife popularly known as ‘bao ernai’ has remained uninterrupted in new communist China. Nine years ago, in the year 2000, China’s Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People’s Congress (NPC) standing committee – Mr. Hu Kangsheng accepted the fact that, “the practice of taking a mistress is soaring, posing a serious threat to China’s statutory rule of monogamy.” (4)

The purpose to highlight relationship between Bobby & Jacqueline Kennedy into illicit relations has objective of denigrating the personality of JFK, justifying their own regimented philosophy, despite prevalence of concubine culture by party officials in China. China’s official media didn’t miss any opportunity in putting salt & pepper in American wounds. Another instance is of recent article published on 5th of August 2009 in “People’s Daily” online entitled - “News Analysis: Race still matters in US” despite American people’s broadness to elect Mr. Obama as first African-American President.


1. Li Hong, Women and Corrupted Officials, People’s Daily Online, Beijing, China, 4 September 2009.

2. Jonathan Watts reporting from Beijing, Concubine Culture brings trouble for China’s Bosses, The Guardian, UK, 8th of September 2007.

3. Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China, From the website of Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in New York, Accessed on 20 September 2009.

4. Unfaithful men…Infidelity Threatens Chinese Family Values, The Straits Times, 1 August 2000.

(Note: For the security of the website, web links has been not given as per reference rules, Burma Review)


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