29 September 2009

Angela Merkel: the 'Darling of Europe' & Champion of Burma's Freedom

Burma Review welcomes the victory of Angela Merkel and thanks people of Germany for giving her a second term'. In her long career of public service - Angela Merkel popularly known as 'Angie' always stood firm to lead Europe preserve the values of 'freedom of thought' against regimented philosophy. If Daw Suu Kyi is people's queen of Burma, Angela Merkel is 'Darling of Europe'.
She has not only worked hard as a champion of 'individual freedom' in Europe but also for the freedom of Burma's 'people's queen' Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners. This year on 12th of June, she was among first european leaders to organize joint press conference with French President - Nicolos Sarkozy to appeal Asian powers to work seriously for Daw Suu Kyi's release. Burma Review looks forward to see continued close cultural-economic-strategic cooperation between India and Germany for a better world.

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