01 October 2008

Brief thoughts on Indo-US Civil Nuclear Agreement

Burma Review is anxiously waiting for Indo-US Civil Nuclear agreement unanimously passed from the US Senate and hopes that, honourable members of the US Senate across different political groups would have the vision to consider the nuke deal ‘beyond technicalities of Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation’ and realize the vision of India’s great Prime Minister – Jawaharlal Nehru and one of the greatest President of the United States – John F. Kennedy for strong Indo-US relations, which become victims of cold-war politics.

Last year on 19th of June 2007, on the birth anniversary of Asia’s leading light of non-violence and Nobel laureate – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma Review wrote an article entitled, “Indian Parliament and Burma’s Question of Democracy (Part-II)”, that, “The future new order of Asia rests on cooperation between world’s two important democracies - India and the United States of America. You can’t go with a nation for a long journey which conflicts with your system of governance. The partnership between United States of America and India are natural urge of same system of governance. The sizeable Indian community working in important US scientific institutions also creates natural environment of cooperation. It is high time that, India should come forward with United States on Burma’s democratic question and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and United Sates of America also start a new journey of coming forward to forge a new relationship with India to solve problems in Burma including Indo-US nuclear issues.” (the post is available at: burmareview.wordpress.com) Burma Review welcomes the India-France agreement on Nuclear Cooperation and congratulates Prime Minister - Dr. Manmohan Singh and French President - Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy for moving one step forward towards a strong Indo-French relations.

Burma Review will soon carry an article on “Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: Beyond Technicalities” as well as analyze the “morality question of economic sanction” on Burma, which is in news after the speech of Burma’s Foreign Minister – U Nyan Win at UN General Assembly on 29th of September 2008.


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