03 October 2008

“Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: Beyond Technicalities” (Part-III)

Cold War Politics Syndrome and New Emerging India:

I know some of the talented journalists, thinker’s, political analyst of great Indian soil have great difficulty in coming out of Cold War Politics Syndrome. There were days,when we liked the song – “Mera Juta Hai Japani, Shar Pe Lal Topi Russi Phir bhi Dil Hai Hindustani” (My shoes are from Japan, My hats are from Russia although my heart beats for India) filmed on legendary actor Mr. Rajkapoor and Rajkapoor & Indian film actor Mithun Chakravarti etc. were adored in the streets of Moscow. But one has to accept the hard historical social reality, that, India of 1945 to 1991 and New India of 1992 to 2008 are different. Today most of the Indian Films are shot at European and North American shores and many of the film award ceremonies, shows are held at Europe and United States of America. It does not mean we leave Japan and Russia, it is Russia’s mistake that it is confronting USA, probably Mr. Putin’s team has not still come out of the hangovers of the Soviet Era and for Japan how can any Indian think of distancing from Japan, the country which gave affection to Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and Subhas Bose. These things also applies to Burma, how can an Indian forget the love between U Nu and Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Ba Maw and Subhas Bose, Bogyoke Aung San and India and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s days spent in India, whom we officially awarded Jawaharlal Nehru Award of Understanding in 1995? Yes, as a common Indian, we can’t see any General’s sitting at political role & masters, as our democratic values and teachings of Lord Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi does not allow this. It does not mean that, we hate military like Suu Kyi never hated military, but want to see military commanders at their proper place.

Earlier, India gave message to the world through spiritualism; today new India’s many corporate houses are in Global 2000 companies of the world, besides retaining the power of spiritualism and principles of non-violence of Gandhi jee based on truth, love and soul force. One can’t ignore the presence of rich (not only in terms of money but scientist, technocrats etc.) Indian-diasporas in European and North American Shores, so we can’t afford to distance ourselves with European and North American civilization whose system of governance matches our parliamentary democratic ethos in the age of globalization. We don’t have to fear that, United States and European capitalism would swallow India, although the case is different, of and on; we find, Indian Corporate Houses taking over American and European companies (and emergence of new Indian industrial Mughal’s like- Ambanis, Tata, Mittal’s etc. and many more to come in near future), that is the beauty of capitalism, that only those who have merit and corporate social responsibility survive in the global market-place. (In later post, I will analyze world financial crisis)

BJP and Left’s opposition to Indo-US civilian nuke deal and Reality:

I’m surprised to find Indian Political Party – Bhartiya Janta Party opposing the Indo-US nuke deal and I watched many a times on Indian official television channel – Doordarshan – BJP’s spokesperson – Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudi speaking, that, “through this deal, we have surrendered our ‘sovereignty’ and caught in a long trap of NPT and CTBT.” I watched, it many a times, the same news, because I wanted to see the conviction of his thought, which he was uttering. But the soul force in his speech was lacking, Mr. Rudi is a talented person of young generation politician and he knows well that, Congress has achieved a landmark through this deal and which will play a crucial role in next year’s Lok Sabha election. First of all, I had wrote earlier, that, India is not a banana republic, which can lost its sovereignty by coming close to any nation including USA and regarding doing another atomic test related with NPT, one has to be very clear in mind that, atomic tests are not fire-crackers of Deepavali festival (related with Hindu Religion) that, you do every day, besides these provision has not been attached and Indian culture & civilization doesn’t permit it to do so. Even if it is attached, can anyone prevent big nation like – India to do so? BJP has lost its vigour after Atal Bihari Bajpayee becoming old, if he would have been young; he might be the first person to welcome it. In twentieth century, India produced some politician’s having caliber of world’s statesmanship apart from Mahatma Gandhi, and after him Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Bajpayee and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. But it was unfortunate that Bajpayee could not become Prime Minister at the young age. I find Gandhi ji’s vision and spark in Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s eye’s and speech, the congress general secretary but he has to study little more Gandhian practical political tactics applicable to grass-root level at the village’s of India and in world politics.

Apart from these names, I also consider, Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose of Indian National Army (INA) caliber like Jawaharlal Nehru but his only mistake was that, he sided with defeating force of world history and going against Mahatma Gandhi’s policy of non-violence, far greater in his visions compared with him, which was best described by his friend and greatest leader of Burma – Dr. Ba Maw in his autobiography entitled – “Breakthrough in Burma – Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946,” that, “When Bose began to talk of the Indian struggle he gave you a feeling that you were listening not to a man, but to mass, to a long pent force suddenly breaking through...Subhas Chandra Bose was a man you could not forget once you knew him; his greatness was manifest…He failed because the world forces ranged on his side failed,” (1) and, unfortunately again, Forward Bloc is following the wrong path of obstructing confluence of Indian and US civilization, which is need of the hour by opposing the deal.

I can understand the left’s opposition to the deal and observing “black day” on US Secretary of State – Ms. Condoleezza Rice visit’s to India today against Indian culture of “Atithi Devo Bhava” or “our guest’s are God”, as Indian left has developed a habit of committing historical mistakes. Earlier, they had betrayed main forces of freedom struggle - the Congress, Gandhi jee during Quit India Movement in 1942, many left groups betrayed the Indian nation in 1962 by saying, it is not China but India has attacked China in 62 India-China wars, and they betrayed recently by withdrawing support to an honest, humble & visionary Prime Minister – Dr. Manmohan Singh. They want to apply Marxist theory on Indian soil distancing away from Indian culture and civilization, without giving any thought that values of India rests in strong religious faith and amalgamation of all religions, philosophy of non-violence and individual freedom of common faith of Indo-US relations.

India and United States: A Common Faith of individual freedom & democracy –:

BJP, whose political philosophy rests on raising issues of India’s culture and ancient past didn’t gave even slight thought by opposing the deal, it may hurt sentiments of India-United States journey of common faith and strengthen the false propaganda of communists nationwide. If they need votes in next year’s election there are hundred of issues which could be fired against Congress, but it is not that for coming into power, you disturb the fabric of the nation and loose sense of national historical responsibility. At least BJP - the party championing the cause of India’s ancient past would have remembered that, it was the same United States and its people of America in 1893, which gave Swami Vivekananda, the first international stage, love and hospitality at Chicago to spread Indian Culture and Civilization world wide at the World Parliament of Religions, making him practically first ambassador of Indian culture & civilization abroad.

How can we forget the powerful words of Swami Vivekananda and the hospitality rendered to him by American couple – Mr. & Mrs. J. Lyon in Chicago, American Professor of Greek at Harvard University - Dr. Wright, Dr. Barrows and many Americans. The reaction of his first word at the Chicago congress – “Sisters and Brothers of America” in Vivekananda word’s returned with – “a deafening applause of two minutes,” and he writes on his observation of American society: “the average American woman is far more cultivated than the average American man. The man slave all their life for money, and the women snatch every opportunity to improve themselves. And they are very kind hearted frank people. The Americans have their faults too, and what nation has not? But this is my summing up: Asia laid the germs of civilization, Europe developed man, and America is developing the women and masses.” (2)

Apart from giving hospitality to Swami Vivekananda by the American people, it was America, which also gave same comfort to India’s legendary leader Lajpat Rai first in 1905, and he writes, “It is needless to say that the trip has been extremely interesting as well as instructive. The country is beautiful, grand, and up-to-date according to the best standards of modern life…the country is much more interesting than any in Europe.” (3)

There are many examples that, American people and leaders stand with India’s independence movement on many occasions, which is not possible to elaborate in this post but readers can see in the research works of Diwakar Prasad Singh’s (scholar, historian, later turned to be a politician in Bihar Legislative Council) book entitled, “American Attitude towards Indian Nationalist Movement”, published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (June, 1974).

Burma Review welcomes US Secretary of State and her diplomatic team – Ms. Condoleezza Rice to Indian soil as your country once gave great veneration and love to our philosopher and builder’s of modern India - Swami Vivekananda and many other great son’s & daughters of India. And apologies for mistakes of some minor political group’s opposition to your trip to India and wish to see Indo-US nuke deal signed without any technicalities.

And I would like to end my post with the couplet of Swami Vivekananda - the great teacher, philosopher and saint for heralding a new journey of common faith of Indo-US relations symbolizing our friendship.

“When holy friendship shakes the hand,

He stands between them too;

He pours the nectar in mother’s kiss

And the baby’s sweet “mama”

Thou wert my God with prophets old,

All creeds do come from thee;

The Vedas, Bible, and Koran bold

Sing Thee in harmony (4)

(Swami Vivekananda)


  1. Ba Maw, Breakthrough In Burma – Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946, Published by Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1968, pp. 348-351.
  2. Letters of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama Publications, Kolkata, First Published in January 1940, Thirteenth Impression, September 2003, pp.54-55.
  3. Lajpat Rai, The United States of America: A Hindu Impression and a Study, Published by R. Chatterjee Publications, Calcutta, Second Edition (Revised and slightly enlarged), 1919, preface.
  4. Note No. 2, p.48

(By Rajshekhar, Burma Review)

The End


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