26 September 2008

Junta Accepts Political Prisoners in Burma

In an article written by Ko Thayar entitled, “Do Not Derail the Democratic Process” in Burma’s official media – The New Light of Myanmar, dated – 24th of September 2008, Burma’s ruling military regime has acknowledged that, there has been political prisoners in Burma. It is important to note that, earlier the official media in the post-90 political scenario had been vocal many a time in saying that Burma hasn’t got any political prisoners. As earlier in the New Light of Myanmar article written by Pauk Sa entitled, “Holding placards and gathering people to stir up unrest out of fashion” published on 26th May 2007 (Vol. XV, Number 40) voiced that, “there are no political prisoners in Myanmar” as well as article appeared from July 22 to 24, 2008 in the Mirror and Myanma Alin, the other two junta’s mouthpiece, ran article in three parts denying any political prisoners in Burma.

Moreover, the concerned article threatening in nature to the party workers of Burma’s main political group – National League for Democracy (NLD) pointing towards prison fate like other NLD parliamentarians, if they dare to question the legitimacy of highly questioned constitutional referendum held in the midst of Cyclone Nargis in May 2008. Burma under the military regime is alone case in modern age to conduct referendum at the time of gigantic natural disaster sort of ‘Nargis’, which took life of more than one lakh people to legitimize their rule to the proposed seven-step disciplined flourished democratic election scheduled for 2010, which reserves twenty five percent seats to the ruling military junta without facing people’s mandate.

The threatening article appeared a day after ruling military council announced amnesty to 9002 prisoners in Burma including the celebrated writer U Win Tin on 23rd of September 2008, which was welcomed by the UN Secretary General – Mr. Ban Ki-moon , US administration and international community. The concerned article written by Ko Thayar, accepting political prisoners in Burma wrote that, “The number of remnant NLD representative-elect is very small. Of the NLD representative elects, some are serving their prison terms, some have resigned, some have changed themselves to independent representative elect, some absconded to the border, some have passed away, and some have been expelled.”

Although, world had been on its feet to welcome the great change of heart of military junta in granting amnesty to U Win Tin. But the article directly attacking NLD led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi indicates that, it would be premature to expect any genuine reforms and dialogue from ruling council or the amnesty might have highest diplomatic exercise to save the face of UN Special envoy to Burma – Mr. Ibrahim Gambari? One shouldn’t forget that the news of amnesty to 9002 prisoners might be big to the world leaders and international media as a welcome step by Junta. But the placement of news in the New Light of Myanmar in a small box item on page no. Sixteen of the newspaper indicates their real motives towards the issue.

Burma Review strongly deplores the way special UN envoy to Burma- Mr. Gambari and his team attempted to meet Daw Aung San Suu Kyi standing at the gate and announcing through loudspeakers asking for appointment going beyond political protocol and civilized norms; and misled the world (without achieving any success in realizing basic political freedom to her in many of his trip to Burma) that, she refused to meet UN delegation as if she is in power in Burma. The condition of political freedom enjoyed by the Burmese people could be well understood, when even world’s celebrated Nobel laureate like – Daw Suu Kyi believing in Gandhian non-violence has to take permission from military council to receive simple letters from outside world and Mr. Gambari’s role as a neutral referee appointed by world’s highest body had given judgments beforehand legitimizing the constitutional referendum of military junta held in the midst of cyclone Nargis.

Burma Review wishes a long life and early recovery from ill health to writer par excellence U Win Tin and others.


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