23 September 2008

Burma Review is back on Web

Before starting Burma Review’s second journey on the web on blogger.com / Google facilities♣, Burma Review apologies to its esteemed reader’s for being out of web since last ten months without giving any notice. In the last ten months, the golden land of Asia witnessed many important historical ordeals including questioned constitutional referendum in the midst of tragic events of Cyclone Nargis. Burma Review prays to almighty God to give strength to the bereaved families and pays deepest condolences to the affected by natural calamity and appreciates the international community including the ruling military regime for their great efforts of relief measures. However, the great magnitude of devastation still requires more funds and efforts to give life to the ruined families already suffering in their struggle of democratic change. Burma Review hopes that, the bright light of holy Shwedagon Pagoda will give people of Burma, the strength to overcome the hour of pain and distress of natural calamity.

Burma Review doesn’t want to accuse ruling military regime popularly known as SPDC regarding their policy of relief measures, as nature’s bane has affected all including the common soldier’s family of the Burmese defence forces.

The silence of Burma Review since last ten months has been more related with the engagements of my thoughts of fulfilling family responsibilities & other personal reasons, which has nothing to do with the events of Burma and India.

However, even during the period of silence, I’m deeply moved with the affection of reader’s of Burma Review who cared to regularly visit Burma Review and write frequently to me to restore it. When I left writing on Burma Review in December 2007, there had been thirty-six thousand hits on Burma Review but even during the period of silence ten thousand more hits had been added to the journal (on burmareview.wordpress.com ). Some of the promised articles on Burma have yet to appear on Burma Review and I would try to fulfill those promises to develop a healthy debate on Burma’s democratic question and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Burma Review also compliments Indonesian leaders and Bush administration for their unflinching support to Burma’s democratic question.


Editor, Burma Review

♣ The first journey of Burma Review started on 5th of December 2006 on wordpress.com web platform as burmareview.wordpress.com and later shifting to domain name: burmareview.com (which has been now taken by other interested group to killing the purpose of that domain name, so now please don’t visit burmareview.com, the story of losing domain name on word press would be explained on other occasions, the forces behind it could be well understood) and its second journey started on blogger.com as burmareview.org. The old posts of Burma Review are available on bumareview.wordpress.com


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