08 November 2008

US strongly Condemns Prosecution of four Burma democracy Defense Lawyers

In a Press Statement released on November 7, 2008 by the Deputy Spokesman of the US State Department (No. 2008/939) - Mr. Robert Wood, the United States has strongly condemned the recent prosecution by Burma’s military regime of four democracy defense lawyer’s right to legally represent the case of political detainees. Burma Review welcomes the action of US State department, which attempts to restore human dignity to defend oneself through legal constitutional means.

It is important to note that in last two weeks new developments in Burma, defense attorney Nyi Nyi Htwe was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment and three others, U Aung Thein, U Khin Maung Shein, and Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min, face possible prison time for contempt of court after they lodged complaints about the lack of due process in their clients’ trials, which is a blatant violation of civic rights ordained in Human Rights Charter of United Nations. The US State department in its press release reiterated that, “these actions represent a blatant attempt by the regime to intimidate these lawyers and demonstrate its contempt for the rule of law,” and made a call to the Burmese ruling military regime - to release immediately Nyi Nyi Htwe and drop all charges pending against U Aung Thein, U Khin Maun Shein and Saw Kyaw Kyaw Min.

It has further stressed vocally, that, “Burma’s military regime cease harassing and arresting citizens for peacefully exercising their internationally recognized human rights, and to release all political prisoners immediately, and to begin a genuine dialogue with democratic and ethnic minority groups on a transition to a civilian, democratic government in Burma.” This also implies the consistent demand of immediate release by US government of NLD leader and Nobel laureate – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s from detention, who had already spent more then thirteen years in house arrest away from her family for the cause of peaceful non-violent democratic change in Burma.


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