27 November 2008

Burma Review strongly condemns terrorist attacks in Mumbai

Burma Review strongly condemns the cowardice terrorist attacks in Mumbai and stands with the family members who suffered huge loss of losing their innocent loved ones. It also pays deepest tribute to the members of different enforcement agencies of India and their families who lost their dear ones in the supreme act of sacrifice for the nation. Any terrorist outfits in whatever names, if they think that, India can be bogged down with any act of terrorism then they have not understood the Indian culture and civilization well. If India stands with the principles of non-violence, it doesn’t mean that, Indian people can’t stand against heaviest of violent cowardice attacks, which was even reflected in the interview given by a very common women belonging to the poor fishermen ‘Koil’ community to ‘India TV’ news channel that, if she would have known that they are terrorist, She & her community would have first acted to finish them.

Moreover, ‘the cult of violence’ in any religious uniform or ideological garb to resolve any world problem or issues is a misguided and foolish act of harming the society as well as the community for which they claim to serve. If anyone who holds any grudge against any policies of any government then there are many ways to bring those issues in mainstream debate and this principle applies for any part of the world. The only thing needed is to develop ‘the art of political complaining’, which Gandhi ji used to say that, ‘Asian’s are very weak in these arts’ and I think his observation still applies in contemporary society generating foolish ‘cult of violence’ in the name of religious or ideological garb.


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