14 October 2008

Analyzing Two more trade points at Indo-Burma border & India’s IT help to Junta

The proposed opening of two more trade points at Indo-Burma border in Avangkhu in the Indian State of Nagaland and Zowkhathar in Mizoram and inauguration schedule of Centre for Enhancement of IT skills at Rangoon with the help of India’s Pune based Centre for the Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) during the scheduled visit of Indian Minister of State for Commerce & Industry – Mr. Jairam Ramesh to Burma (14th to 16th October) are deplorable act of Indian Foreign Policy establishment, which kills the ethos of common faith of Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation. Over the years, Indian Foreign policy establishment has not learned anything from the failure of policy of constructive engagement with Burma’s military junta, which provides legitimacy to the military rulers at United Nations and ASEAN that world’s largest democracy supports their act of suppression of democratic forces and everything is fine in Burma. Indian Foreign Policy misses the point that, relation of Chinese PLA with Burma’s military Junta can’t be broken with mere opening of trade points and equipping them with IT skills and it is a problem of different form of governance system. Moreover, it doesn’t suit India’s ethos of individual freedom and democracy to provide legitimacy to military dictators particularly when the world is observing International Year of Non-violence and Asia’s leading light of non-violence – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi suffering under Junta rule. Earlier, there was news in ‘Irrawaddy’ that, Mr. Jairam Ramesh had been very happy for his strategic victory over China in his last trip to Burma. Probably, Mr. Jairam Ramesh would have not forgotten his earlier statements about Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. It is not that, I can’t propose a grand design of economic engagement with Burma’s military junta, perhaps better than those sitting at South Block in New Delhi. But if you preach your people to follow the idealism of Mahatma Gandhi, you also act in those manners; otherwise it would make difference in words and deeds. Ultimately creating problem internally eroding credibility of political leadership and giving strength to unlawful elements, which has already emerged in the Indian States of Chattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand in a big way and other ten states started following their way? Pragmatism of foreign policy shouldn’t sacrifice the core ethos of nation, otherwise one day we might be left with Skelton of the nation.

In recent months, there has been number of news of hacking democracy websites of – DVB, Mizzima News, Irrawaddy, New Era Journal etc. including Burma Review by interested groups and by equipping with C-DAC’s technical IT skill will invite more number of hacking in future to suppress democratic voices of Burmese people. And, this will ultimately harm India’s long term objective of creating stable nation in neighborhood. For a moment if we consider Burma as a Chinese territory (which it has become under Junta rule), what will happen? whether India would fall? Obviously the answer is strong no. India has already long borders with China and it is not going to make any military strategic difference. The militancy in northeast can be only solved with our own efforts, political will and development programmes and not by the dictates of any military junta. Now imagine the situation after that in world politics, China will turn out to be a single nation state to support the Junta, the other ASEAN nation's would keep silence because Burmese Junta has failed to obey the many official ASEAN resolution of freeing Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and engage other political groups for democratic transformation. Russia’s supports to Junta is largely based on India’s engagement with Burma. Lastly even if Russia, Vietnam and China sides with Junta, it is not going to make any difference. However, the result would be immense, if India starts vocally saying against the unlawful detention of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, which suit nation’s core ethos.

In addition, the so called policy of constructive engagement with Burma’s military Junta under the pretext of ‘Look East Policy’ fails to understand that Burma is not ASEAN and Southeast Asia. The policy of containing China in Burma through constructive engagement or policy of intense economic cooperation has taken a huge cost of loosing trust & credibility of Burmese people without achieving any success. Indian political leadership should understand that India is not known to the world for acquiring few blood stained oil wells in Burma, and world is large enough where India can venture for her energy needs and trade markets. (I’m working on the morality questions of economic sanction in Burma, which will cover this issue in details)

Most importantly, those nations; which are intensely engaged with Burma’s military junta including ASEAN nation’s & India and also those Burmese leaders who left Daw Suu Kyi for the lure of power and money could afford to forget the vital golden words of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. But 'Burma Review' still remembers her words and will never forget one of her thought's expressed in her ‘letter from Burma’ published in the Mainichi Daily News of Japan in July 8, 1996 entitled, “POLITICAL STRUGGLE IS THE TRUE TEST OF FRIENDSHIP: A Friend In Need” inspired from the holy Buddhist Tripitakas.

And for the benefit of Burmese people and nations engaged with Burma’s military junta, Burma Review is reproducing the words of Daw Suu Kyi published in July 8, 1996 in the Mainichi Daily News of Japan. It becomes more important when she is not allowed to meet world press, Burmese people and her party workers:


By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

“Many indeed are the uses of adversity, and one of the most valuable is the unique opportunities it offers for discovering little-known aspects of the human society in which we live. The experience gained by those of us who have borne the full force of state persecution is not always comfortable, but it is very enriching. Injustice and cruelty are transformed from the ingredients of a ripping drama to the hazards of everyday existence.

Once poetic concepts such as villainy and honor, cowardice and heroism, become common currency; the stuff of epics is lived through from day to day. Duplicity and treachery cease to be merely the vivid creations of imaginative writers and become instead the trappings of familiars who have basked in one's affections and partaken freely of one's goodwill. The kiss of Judas is no longer just a metaphor; it is the repeated touch of cool perfidity on one's cheek. Those once held in trust and esteem show themselves capable of infinite self-deception as they seek to deceive others. Spines ostensibly made of steel soften and bend like wax in the heat of a high Burmese summer.

But man stripped of all props except that of his spirit is astounding not only in the depths he is capable of plumbing, but also the heights that he can scale. An individual who appears weak turns out to possess adamantine qualities. The easy-going "featherweight" demonstrates a solid capacity for self-sacrifice and integrity.

The most indifferent seeming character unexpectedly proves to be a fountain of warmth and kindness; a caring, meticulous nursemaid to those suffering physical pain or mental anguish. The glaring light of adversity reveals all the rainbow hues of the human character and brings out the true colors of people, particularly those who purport to be your friends.

There is an anthology of pithy sayings, the “Lokaniti”, which has traditionally been regarded in Burma as a guide to prudent behavior. It is a combination of shrewd observations and moral principles intended to help us negotiate the pitfalls of worldly existence. The section of the “niti” devoted to friendship displays a fair degree of cynicism: “In poverty, a friend forsakes you; son, and wife, and brothers too forsake you: Wealth in this world is a great friend.” Then there is a definition of friendship which would set those who have run the gamut of the vicissitudes of political struggle in Burma nodding their heads vigorously in agreement: “The friends who stand by you in severe ailment, in time of scarcity, or in misfortune, when captured by an enemy, at the a king's door, or in the charnel-house, they indeed are good friends.”

During the hectic days of late May and early June, when a series of critical political events were triggered off by the arrests of the members of the National League for Democracy (NLD), a stream of foreign correspondents came to find out how we were coping with the situation. A number of them commented on the fact that we did not appear to be unhappy. “U Tin U is smiling broadly and U Kyi Maung is cracking jokes,” one said. “Why are you not in a state of distress? Isn't the situation rather grim?”

I suppose the situation could have been seen as grim by some, but to us, it was just another challenge; and the knowledge that we were facing it together with proven friends was ample reason for good cheer.

A doctor once recommended thinking happy thoughts as a most effective remedy for diverse illnesses. Certainty one of the happiest of thoughts is of one's friends: old friends with whom you have shared youthful dreams of an ideal world, new friends with whom you are striving to achieve a realistic version of that ideal. It is comforting to know that friends you have not met for several decades, leading secure lives in countries where their rights are protected by law, care as much for your welfare now as they did in the days when the Beatles were young and you argued over Dag Hammarskjold's “Markings”. Friends telephone across continents and oceans to find out how I am and to exchange news.

We never talk about anything world shaking, never discuss anything out of the ordinary, we just make conventional inquiries about each other's health and families and a few light hearted remarks about the current situation. But each unimportant conversation is a solemn confirmation of friendship. I have a friend who, if I happen to be too busy to take the call, leaves a simple message: “Tell her I called.” It is enough to dissolve all the cares of the day.

According to the teachings of Buddhism, a good friend is one who gives things hard to give, does what is hard, bears with hard words, tells you his secrets, guards your secrets assiduously, does not forsake you in times of want and does not condemn you when you are ruined. With such friends, one can travel the roughest road and not be defeated by hardship. Indeed, the rougher the path, the greater the delight in the company of “kalyanamitta”, good and noble friends who stand by us in times of adversity.”


Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: A Meeting of ‘Common Faith’ (Part-I)

Burma Review welcomes the signing of historic India-US Civil Nuclear 123 agreement on 10th of October 2008 by the Indian External Affairs Minister – Mr. Pranab Mukerjee and US Secretary of State – Ms. Condoleezza Rice and the words of US President – George W. Bush which recognizes that, “India and US are the natural partners” (1), visualizing the India-US civil nuclear cooperation beyond technicalities for heralding a new journey of common faith based on mutual trusts and equal partnership for establishing individual freedom of opinion and safe democratic world. Moreover, in future these developments would have positive impacts on Burma’s democratic political crisis and in realizing the freedom of Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi against international law despite many official resolutions of UN & ASEAN.

The agreement of India-US cooperation through 123 agenda is more than the 'deal’ and a meeting of common faith of democracy, which has been often described in the media as a ‘deal’ and sometimes in official statements (including myself falling to this phrase in previous posts). I feel that, the first perception of word ‘deal’ has negative connotation in Asian civilization and more giving the sense of ‘secretiveness’ in bilateral relations creating unfounded doubts, which is not reflected in this agreement. India and United States new journey of cooperation through this agreement establishes a solid foundation of strategic partnership for the new generation of American and Indian people in the fast changing world of technology and globalization. And negating it would be obstructing natural confluence of two great nations striving for a common objective of freedom from fear against regimented closed ideology.

The credit obviously goes to the political leadership of Indian Prime Minister - Dr. Manmohan Singh and the ruling Congress Party including the Indian External Affairs Minister – Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, India’s handsome Ambassador to US – Mr. Ronen Sen, colourful American-Indian community besides personal efforts of US President – George W. Bush, US Secretary of State and US ambassador to India.

Left and BJP’s new Criticism to the Agreement:

Left parties say that, “the agreement is more than the Hyde Act and it is ‘Hyde plus deal’ by the ruling Congress party surrendering India’s strategic autonomy”. It also reject’s the words of US President – Mr. George W. Bush ‘assurance of uninterrupted supply of nuclear fuel & rights of reprocessing of fuels’ as a political ploy of subjugating India. (2) The other major opposition group – BJP (Bhartiya Janta Party) says that the ‘deal’ would be remembered as a ‘defeat of the nation’ before America in the long course of Modern Indian history. Further, BJP stresses that, the ‘word’s of US President has nothing to do with the legal provisions of the agreement and that was his personal reaction which has no correlation with the facts of the agreement.(3) The other emerging banned underground ultra-leftist’s political forces – Maoist opposing the agreement, also observed ‘Bandh’ or ‘call of closure’ on this issue.

However, the ruling Congress party says, it is a victory for the nation in achieving United States civil nuclear cooperation without surrendering India’s strategic interests. Moreover, the ruling Congress party also says that, India has achieved a great success without following the path of NPT, CTBT in forging bilateral relations with United States (4) and in the “unanimous approval by the IAEA Board of Governors of the related safeguards arrangements, and by the consensus decision of the forty-five member Nuclear Supply Group to enable cooperation by its members in peaceful uses of nuclear energy with India.” (5)

Left groups opposition to the agreement is known to the Indian people, whose vision of USA has been still locked in the cold war politics syndrome. They will oppose every move of cooperation with USA in any field as they still perceive USA including European powers as imperialist colonial forces without realizing the changed scenario in the business structure of USA and Western Europe in the age of globalization. And, I agree with the view of Indian ambassador to US – Mr. Ronen Sen given to a Hindi daily ‘Hindustan’ on 12th of October 2008, that, “their difference with USA is deep rooted.” (6) India’s handsome ambassador loved by Late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi – Mr. Ronen Sen had been in controversy last year for his remarks against Parliamentarians, but Parliamentarians should also assess themselves that are they behaving the way Jawaharlal Nehru, Govind Ballabh Pant, Sardar Patel, Piloo Modi, and Ram Manohar Lohia etc. had been debating issues in Lok Sabha? The case of bringing money inside parliament by one political group for political mileage, not allowing different views to be heard despite many calls by the humble and honest Speaker – Mr. Somnath Chatterji, are eating their own credibility as their action had been live before the nation through national television channel - Doordarshan. In future, Mr. Somnath Chaterjee would be remembered as a great personality of Modern Indian history for his crucial historical role as a speaker.

The Strategic Reality of the Agreement:

Now the question comes that, whether India under the ruling Congress Party alliance or UPA (United Progressive Alliance) really sacrificed her strategic interests by signing the agreement with United States as opposition groups are advocating including banned ultra leftist’s underground movement or it has signed a ‘trust agreement’ with USA keeping India’s strategic interest of future testing of atomic weapons secured besides civil nuclear cooperation? The whole of India knows that, Left parties opposition to the agreement is not on the issue but becoming close with America and it can’t be redressed with old leadership of left. BJP’s concerns are genuine and they are waiting for the detailed documents of the agreement to fire on congress. But BJP should also understand that, does India is an insignificant and small nation of world map, which can be defeated by any agreement by any powers of the world? The answer is obviously strong – NO. There are many examples in modern world history from Austrian-Hapsburg Empire to League of Nations and during post second world war scenario, that, if nation can forge relations, it can also break it, if time warrants for that. But meeting of India with USA is a strategic reality of world politics for a safe democratic world, which even Swami Vivekananda desired a century ago. It is high time for the US and Indian foreign policy establishment to start Swami Vivekananda Educational Fellowship for undergraduate, post-graduate, doctoral and higher studies to cement this new relation of common faith.

Moreover, the strategic question is safe under the agreement as India has committed to place only 14 of 22 reactors under international safeguards and not all the strategic nuclear reactors and only pledged to put its future civilian reactors under permanent safeguards and not strategic nuclear reactors. (7) Those who opposes the agreement on the question of US President – George W. Bush statement as a political statement should also know that statement’s of US President was not made at ‘Tea Shop’ but at the official ceremony to realize the agreement and US President’s statement has also significant values in American Constitution (the limitation of theme and post doesn’t allow me to give examples of Modern American History). Although, unfortunately as the news indicates that, a group of nine US Democratic lawmakers has written under the leadership of Congresswoman - Madame Ellen Tauscher (a California Democrat) that, if US President’s ‘signature statement’ is not consistent with American law, the next Congress “will be compelled” to reconsider the law,” (8) failing to see fast changing world politics beyond American shores, which US President – George W. Bush could see.

In addition, what is ‘strategic issues’? There has been trend in international relations to see military/defence cooperation as a major strategic issue. But history teaches that, these ‘so called’ strategic defence issues had been out-product of political trust. One can’t build strategic paradigm without forging political trust. India & USA shares the same common faith of political trust. So in future, India’s present policy of constructive engagement with Burma’s ruling military Junta as a strategic cooperation will ultimately fail to achieve the core objectives, where this political trust is missing. Moreover, the India-US agreement opens the door for intensive cooperation in the field of space technology, civil aviation, information technology, infrastructure development, educational fields, agriculture, biotechnology, high critical technology, joint operation against terrorism besides defence and civil nuclear cooperation, which are more strategic in the age of globalization.

Those who opposes the agreement on so called ‘strategic issues’, should not forget that, it was the first time, that, United States has recognized India as equal partners in world affairs after second world war or Modern history and not as subservient partners of ‘common faith’. It also recognized that India’s has to play major role in world problem beyond South Asian Politics. The official statement of the US Secretary of State – Condoleezza Rice visualizes the agreement as the meeting of “the world’s largest democracy and the world’s oldest democracy, drawn together by our shared values and, increasingly, by our many shared interests, ‘now stands as equals’, closer together than ever before.” (9)

Moreover, those who opposes the deal, should also not miss the point that, it was also first time in US House of Representative debates, that, US has taken the strong position of supporting India’s rightful place in the permanent membership of the UN Security Council and wants to see it happen within the next five years. (10) So the agreement has been rightly perceived by Indian Ambassador to US - Mr. Ronen Sen that, “we should be a little more confident of ourselves. We should have little bit more self esteem and we should not always requires these re-assurances…we should grow up.” (11) Now the time is ripe for the Indian National Congress Party to place the agreement of common faith before nation in a vocal way because Swami Vivekananda, Lajpat Rai, Jawaharlal Nehru, Rajiv Gandhi and Mahatma Gandhi also internally desired and worked to establish this bond of ‘common faith’.



1. Bush inks historic nuclear deal bill into law, Zeenews Bureau, from: zeenews.com, 8th of October 2008.
2. Vidheyak par dastkhat ke sath hi sarkar par phir hamle, Hindi Daily ‘Jansatta’, 10th of October 2008, Front Page Story.
4. Congress Spokesperson – Mr. Manish Tiwary’s word’s on India’s National Television Channel – Doordarshan, 10th of October 2008.
5. Remarks by External Affairs Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee at the signing ceremony of the 123 Agreement between India and USA in Washington, Ministry of External Affairs Press Release, Government of India, 10th of October 2008.
6. Deal Ne Diya Bharat Ko Vishwa Shakti Ka Rutba, Indian Ambassador to US – Mr. Ronen Sen’s interview published in Hindi Daily ‘Hindustan’ on 12th of October 2008, Patna Edition, p. 10.
7. Bush, Others to Stump for US-India Nuke Deal, Fox News.com, Washington, USA, 7th of March 2006 also reported in Associated Press News.
8. Note No. 1.
9. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Indian Minister of External Affairs Pranab Mukherjee At the Signing of the US-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement, US Department of State Press Release, Benjamin Franklin Room, Washington DC, 10th of October 2008.
10. More Than Just The 123 Agreement: The Future of U.S.–INDO Relations, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, June 2008, p.7
11. India’s Concerns on N-Deal have been met: Sen, From Zeenews.com Bureau Report, Washington DC, 9th of October 2008.


By: Rajshekhar, Burma Review, INDIA


05 October 2008

One Journey of Freedom

Heaven of Freedom

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;

Where knowledge is free;

Where the world has not been broken up into fragments

by narrow domestic walls;

Where words come out from the depth of truth;

Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;

Where the clear stream of reasons has not lost its way into

the dreary desert sand of dead habit;

Where the mind is led forward by Thee into ever-widening

thought and action –

Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

(By Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941)

Freedom from Fear

“It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”

(By Daw Aung San Suu Kyi)


03 October 2008

“Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: Beyond Technicalities” (Part-III)

Cold War Politics Syndrome and New Emerging India:

I know some of the talented journalists, thinker’s, political analyst of great Indian soil have great difficulty in coming out of Cold War Politics Syndrome. There were days,when we liked the song – “Mera Juta Hai Japani, Shar Pe Lal Topi Russi Phir bhi Dil Hai Hindustani” (My shoes are from Japan, My hats are from Russia although my heart beats for India) filmed on legendary actor Mr. Rajkapoor and Rajkapoor & Indian film actor Mithun Chakravarti etc. were adored in the streets of Moscow. But one has to accept the hard historical social reality, that, India of 1945 to 1991 and New India of 1992 to 2008 are different. Today most of the Indian Films are shot at European and North American shores and many of the film award ceremonies, shows are held at Europe and United States of America. It does not mean we leave Japan and Russia, it is Russia’s mistake that it is confronting USA, probably Mr. Putin’s team has not still come out of the hangovers of the Soviet Era and for Japan how can any Indian think of distancing from Japan, the country which gave affection to Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore and Subhas Bose. These things also applies to Burma, how can an Indian forget the love between U Nu and Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Ba Maw and Subhas Bose, Bogyoke Aung San and India and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s days spent in India, whom we officially awarded Jawaharlal Nehru Award of Understanding in 1995? Yes, as a common Indian, we can’t see any General’s sitting at political role & masters, as our democratic values and teachings of Lord Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi does not allow this. It does not mean that, we hate military like Suu Kyi never hated military, but want to see military commanders at their proper place.

Earlier, India gave message to the world through spiritualism; today new India’s many corporate houses are in Global 2000 companies of the world, besides retaining the power of spiritualism and principles of non-violence of Gandhi jee based on truth, love and soul force. One can’t ignore the presence of rich (not only in terms of money but scientist, technocrats etc.) Indian-diasporas in European and North American Shores, so we can’t afford to distance ourselves with European and North American civilization whose system of governance matches our parliamentary democratic ethos in the age of globalization. We don’t have to fear that, United States and European capitalism would swallow India, although the case is different, of and on; we find, Indian Corporate Houses taking over American and European companies (and emergence of new Indian industrial Mughal’s like- Ambanis, Tata, Mittal’s etc. and many more to come in near future), that is the beauty of capitalism, that only those who have merit and corporate social responsibility survive in the global market-place. (In later post, I will analyze world financial crisis)

BJP and Left’s opposition to Indo-US civilian nuke deal and Reality:

I’m surprised to find Indian Political Party – Bhartiya Janta Party opposing the Indo-US nuke deal and I watched many a times on Indian official television channel – Doordarshan – BJP’s spokesperson – Mr. Rajiv Pratap Rudi speaking, that, “through this deal, we have surrendered our ‘sovereignty’ and caught in a long trap of NPT and CTBT.” I watched, it many a times, the same news, because I wanted to see the conviction of his thought, which he was uttering. But the soul force in his speech was lacking, Mr. Rudi is a talented person of young generation politician and he knows well that, Congress has achieved a landmark through this deal and which will play a crucial role in next year’s Lok Sabha election. First of all, I had wrote earlier, that, India is not a banana republic, which can lost its sovereignty by coming close to any nation including USA and regarding doing another atomic test related with NPT, one has to be very clear in mind that, atomic tests are not fire-crackers of Deepavali festival (related with Hindu Religion) that, you do every day, besides these provision has not been attached and Indian culture & civilization doesn’t permit it to do so. Even if it is attached, can anyone prevent big nation like – India to do so? BJP has lost its vigour after Atal Bihari Bajpayee becoming old, if he would have been young; he might be the first person to welcome it. In twentieth century, India produced some politician’s having caliber of world’s statesmanship apart from Mahatma Gandhi, and after him Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Atal Bihari Bajpayee and Mr. Rajiv Gandhi. But it was unfortunate that Bajpayee could not become Prime Minister at the young age. I find Gandhi ji’s vision and spark in Mr. Rahul Gandhi’s eye’s and speech, the congress general secretary but he has to study little more Gandhian practical political tactics applicable to grass-root level at the village’s of India and in world politics.

Apart from these names, I also consider, Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose of Indian National Army (INA) caliber like Jawaharlal Nehru but his only mistake was that, he sided with defeating force of world history and going against Mahatma Gandhi’s policy of non-violence, far greater in his visions compared with him, which was best described by his friend and greatest leader of Burma – Dr. Ba Maw in his autobiography entitled – “Breakthrough in Burma – Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946,” that, “When Bose began to talk of the Indian struggle he gave you a feeling that you were listening not to a man, but to mass, to a long pent force suddenly breaking through...Subhas Chandra Bose was a man you could not forget once you knew him; his greatness was manifest…He failed because the world forces ranged on his side failed,” (1) and, unfortunately again, Forward Bloc is following the wrong path of obstructing confluence of Indian and US civilization, which is need of the hour by opposing the deal.

I can understand the left’s opposition to the deal and observing “black day” on US Secretary of State – Ms. Condoleezza Rice visit’s to India today against Indian culture of “Atithi Devo Bhava” or “our guest’s are God”, as Indian left has developed a habit of committing historical mistakes. Earlier, they had betrayed main forces of freedom struggle - the Congress, Gandhi jee during Quit India Movement in 1942, many left groups betrayed the Indian nation in 1962 by saying, it is not China but India has attacked China in 62 India-China wars, and they betrayed recently by withdrawing support to an honest, humble & visionary Prime Minister – Dr. Manmohan Singh. They want to apply Marxist theory on Indian soil distancing away from Indian culture and civilization, without giving any thought that values of India rests in strong religious faith and amalgamation of all religions, philosophy of non-violence and individual freedom of common faith of Indo-US relations.

India and United States: A Common Faith of individual freedom & democracy –:

BJP, whose political philosophy rests on raising issues of India’s culture and ancient past didn’t gave even slight thought by opposing the deal, it may hurt sentiments of India-United States journey of common faith and strengthen the false propaganda of communists nationwide. If they need votes in next year’s election there are hundred of issues which could be fired against Congress, but it is not that for coming into power, you disturb the fabric of the nation and loose sense of national historical responsibility. At least BJP - the party championing the cause of India’s ancient past would have remembered that, it was the same United States and its people of America in 1893, which gave Swami Vivekananda, the first international stage, love and hospitality at Chicago to spread Indian Culture and Civilization world wide at the World Parliament of Religions, making him practically first ambassador of Indian culture & civilization abroad.

How can we forget the powerful words of Swami Vivekananda and the hospitality rendered to him by American couple – Mr. & Mrs. J. Lyon in Chicago, American Professor of Greek at Harvard University - Dr. Wright, Dr. Barrows and many Americans. The reaction of his first word at the Chicago congress – “Sisters and Brothers of America” in Vivekananda word’s returned with – “a deafening applause of two minutes,” and he writes on his observation of American society: “the average American woman is far more cultivated than the average American man. The man slave all their life for money, and the women snatch every opportunity to improve themselves. And they are very kind hearted frank people. The Americans have their faults too, and what nation has not? But this is my summing up: Asia laid the germs of civilization, Europe developed man, and America is developing the women and masses.” (2)

Apart from giving hospitality to Swami Vivekananda by the American people, it was America, which also gave same comfort to India’s legendary leader Lajpat Rai first in 1905, and he writes, “It is needless to say that the trip has been extremely interesting as well as instructive. The country is beautiful, grand, and up-to-date according to the best standards of modern life…the country is much more interesting than any in Europe.” (3)

There are many examples that, American people and leaders stand with India’s independence movement on many occasions, which is not possible to elaborate in this post but readers can see in the research works of Diwakar Prasad Singh’s (scholar, historian, later turned to be a politician in Bihar Legislative Council) book entitled, “American Attitude towards Indian Nationalist Movement”, published by Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi (June, 1974).

Burma Review welcomes US Secretary of State and her diplomatic team – Ms. Condoleezza Rice to Indian soil as your country once gave great veneration and love to our philosopher and builder’s of modern India - Swami Vivekananda and many other great son’s & daughters of India. And apologies for mistakes of some minor political group’s opposition to your trip to India and wish to see Indo-US nuke deal signed without any technicalities.

And I would like to end my post with the couplet of Swami Vivekananda - the great teacher, philosopher and saint for heralding a new journey of common faith of Indo-US relations symbolizing our friendship.

“When holy friendship shakes the hand,

He stands between them too;

He pours the nectar in mother’s kiss

And the baby’s sweet “mama”

Thou wert my God with prophets old,

All creeds do come from thee;

The Vedas, Bible, and Koran bold

Sing Thee in harmony (4)

(Swami Vivekananda)


  1. Ba Maw, Breakthrough In Burma – Memoirs of a Revolution, 1939-1946, Published by Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1968, pp. 348-351.
  2. Letters of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama Publications, Kolkata, First Published in January 1940, Thirteenth Impression, September 2003, pp.54-55.
  3. Lajpat Rai, The United States of America: A Hindu Impression and a Study, Published by R. Chatterjee Publications, Calcutta, Second Edition (Revised and slightly enlarged), 1919, preface.
  4. Note No. 2, p.48

(By Rajshekhar, Burma Review)

The End


“Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: Beyond Technicalities” (Part-II)

Mistake of Analyzing Nehru as a Communist, Socialist and Emergence of NAM:

The mistake of analyzing India’s First Prime Minister – Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru as an Asian leader more inclined towards communism or socialism by political analyst and some historians had been more related with the cold war politics after Second World War. The view found suitable ground to grow fast, when Mr. Nehru himself started a diplomatic card by the name - Non-Alignment Movement in September 1961 after Bandung Conference in 1955 as a bulwark against two blocs forging alliance with China (However, China betrayed him by attacking India in 1962, which led early death of Nehru. China has a long history of betraying India, the recent one happened in NSG meeting at Vienna on civil nuclear deal, and Burmese military Junta is trusting China as a saviour making nation colony of China for only remaining in power). Mr. Nehru as political leader and trained by one of the World’s celebrated & matured political figure – Mahatma Gandhi was not a common political personality and can’t compromise for a secondary role in history. He knew that, by siding with any of the blocs will only give him a secondary sidelined role in world politics for which he was not made of. He was born leader like light of non-violence in Asia - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, who can’t accept succumbing to any pressure, which Burmese military council wants to impose on her and did great disservice to the nation by keeping her aloof from Burmese people against UN and ASEAN resolutions and international law.

Burmese Junta’s Follies:

I’m sometimes surprised that, how can Burmese military General’s who claims to be a nationalist can’t understand the “role of individual in history” (please visit the post entitled: “The Role of the Individual in History and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi” in two parts, published at burmareview.wordpress.com on 5th & 10th January 2007) and weight of Daw Aung San Suu kyi in world politics. As a student of history and international relations, I could visualize the historical scene; the moment, She is released and given freedom to interact with her people, Burma will be not only in canter stage of Asian Politics, but it will attain important place in UN deliberations and in world problems. Otherwise, who cares for any Mr. General coming from a small nation of Asia, however, some exceptions exist like Japan (it is a hard historical reality, without my intention to hurting any small nations of the world, one can see that seldom many small nations of Africa or Central America etc. are remembered by world despite having large network of big media organizations and news agencies)?

Nehru: A leader of Common Faith of Indo-US Democratic Ethos:

Political analyst, scholars also took cue analyzing Mr. Nehru as a communist or socialist from his autobiography first published in 1936, when he writes that, “I had long been drawn to socialism and communism, and Russia had appealed to me.” (Please take note that, he didn’t referred in his first thought as a Soviet Union but as a “Russia”, however, the Bolsheviks had been in power there) (1) Further it got strengthened, when he writes in other chapter of his autobiography that, “As between fascism and communism my sympathies are entirely with communism,” (2) however, he indicated briefly in the same paragraph that, his philosophy rests in liberal democratic traditions of “COMMON FAITH” of India-United States democratic ethos as he writes, “As these pages will show, I am very far from being a communist…I have been too much influenced by the humanist liberal tradition to get out of it completely,” (3) but the conclusion of the paragraph left again open towards communism giving strength to the view analyzing him as a communist, that, “But still I incline more and more towards a communist philosophy.” (4) The great leader like – Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru knew well that, it is better to left it open, as then contemporary politics of the world required that, to lead nations of Africa and Asia bewildered and scared between the rivalry of two blocs, some having movement going on for independence and some striving to protect their nascent independence.

However, in fact, Mr. Nehru disliked communism internally as a philosopher leader ordained in liberal democratic tradition of non-violence of Gandhi jee and having intense desires for “common faith”, as he writes in his autobiography in the same page, “I dislike dogmatism and the treatment of Karl Marx’s writing or any other books as revealed scriptures which cannot be challenged, and the regimentation and heresy hunts which seem to be a feature of modern communism.” (5) His this thought was original rather then of conclusion that, “But still I incline more and more towards a communist philosophy.” How much he disliked the communists could be ascertained from the writings of Burma’s First Prime Minister – U Nu and his visit to India. U Nu mentions that one of his trip to India, which he used to regularly visit for his close friendship with Nehru, that, “One was the usual concourse of Indian villagers, who shouted their welcome and threw garlands and bouquets at Mr. Nehru’s jeep…As Pandit Nehru came into view the communist leaders gave the cue but the crowd did not make the correct responses. Instead of shouting slogans they joined their hands in approved Hindu fashion to salute their Prime Minister. He was told that the communists had paid them one rupee each for this demonstration.”(6)

Jawaharlal Nehru’s strong wish of forging Indo-US relations of “common faith”, which got delayed due to the cold war politics could be best described by his sister Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, in her autobiography – “The Scope of Happiness”, recalling Nehru’s first trip to the United States of America in 1949, that, “Everywhere the warmth of welcome accorded him was astonishing and touched him very much. There were many things he enjoyed and people whom he was pleased to meet and through whom (he) gained glimpses of the America of his dreams.”(7)



  1. Jawaharlal Nehru, An Autobiography, Published by The Bodley Head, London, 1953, p.361.
  2. Ibid., p.591.
  3. Ibid., p.591.
  4. Ibid., p.591.
  5. Ibid., p.591.
  6. U Nu, U Nu Saturday’s Son, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1975, p.233.
  7. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, The Scope of Happiness: A Personal Memoir, New York Crown, 1979


Note: the next post will be concluding one on this issue.


02 October 2008

“Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: Beyond Technicalities” (Part-I)

(Burma Review welcomes the overwhelming approval of Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation by the honorable members of the US Senate as well as earlier by the US House of Representative members without putting any clause (for which Indian Political groups- BJP, BSP, Communist Party-CPI, CPM, Forward Bloc, RSP lying to the nation since last two-three years), which hampers the natural urge of confluence between two great democracies to solve world problem including the early release of Nobel Laureate - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, who believes in Gandhian principles of non-violence from illegal house arrest and other political prisoners against international law and UN Human Rights Charter. Burma Review is thankful to the all eighty six US Senators, who voted for the deal belonging to Democratic and Republican Party, both the US Presidential candidate – Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain and especially US President George W. Bush, US Secretary of State – Ms. Condoleezza Rice and her diplomatic staffs for their vision to see Indo-US relations in larger perspective, which had unfortunately succumbed to the Cold War Politics after the second world-war. I wrote to see the nuke deal beyond technicalities, because you need technicalities, when you don’t trust each other, which is not in the case of Indo-US relations, where two democracies has to forge lasting relationship as we believe in one democratic principles.

Burma Review is also thankful to the visionary leadership of Indian National Congress President – Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister – Dr. Manmohan Singh and senior members of Indian Diplomatic Core, including Indian Ambassador to US - Mr. Ronen Sen for their efforts in realizing the nuclear civilian cooperation with United States & France and starting a journey of fulfilling Indian needs of clean energy technology without any clause of inspection of military nuclear facilities.)

The quest for Indian journey to secure respectful place in world’s nuclear club is a long history and I don’t want to dwell upon those themes and the ordeals of thirty-four years of nuclear apartheid, which was more a result of cold war politics. However, in brief, world has not to fear for India becoming a nuclear weapon state as Indian Civilization and Culture rests in “Vashudaib Kutumbkham” or world brotherliness and Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of “Ahimsa” or “non-violence”, which rests on truth, love and soul force. I think, sooner or later, Indian Foreign Policy establishment has to take strong measures to seek release of Nobel laureate – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners in Burma as committed officially on many occasions within Indian Parliament and outside at International Platforms.

The civilian nuke deal was correctly described by the US Secretary of State- Ms. Condoleezza Rice as – “a strong bipartisan support and landmark event”, thus historic in forging strong Indo-US relations for the new young generations of Indian and American people, who believes in individual freedom, liberal democracy & the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King and dissents with the state dictatorship in the post-cold war scenario. Timing of message of the approval of the civilian nuke deal was equally historical falling into the 139th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and 108 birth anniversary of Indian’s legendary former Prime Minister – Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri besides the holy third day of “Navratra” Durga Puja of Hinduism and auspicious day of Muslim festivities of Eid, which symbolizes ethos against Islamic terrorism.

Those who oppose (Left, BJP, BSP, RSP, and Forward Bloc) the close cooperation between India and the United States should not forget the other side of history beyond cold war, that, United States was among early nations a day before on 14th of August 1947 to congratulate Indian Prime Minister designate – Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru on Indian Independence and I quote the then US President – Mr. Harry Truman’s telegram to Lord Louis Mountbatten to be delivered to Shri Nehru – “On this memorable occasion, I extend to you, to Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and to the people of the Dominion of India the sincere best wishes of the Government and the people of the United States of America. We welcome India’s new and enhanced status in the world community of sovereign independent nations…In the years to come the people of this great new nation will find the United States a constant friend. I earnestly hope that our friendship will in the future, as in the past, continue to be expressed in close and fruitful cooperation in intellectual cooperation in international undertakings and in cordially in our relations one with the other,” unquote. For India’s First Prime Minister – Jawaharlal Nehru, relations between the India and United States, the two Republics are – “a common faith in democratic institutions and the democratic way of life.”♣ But the philosophy of “common faith” got derailed with the fierce rivalry of two blocs during cold war, and many mistook Mr. Nehru as an Asian leader more inclined to communism, however, which was far from reality.


♣ A Common Faith: 40 Years of Indo-US Cooperation (1947-1987, Published by Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd, New Delhi, 1988.

