08 September 2010

China’s offer of cooperation must be welcomed

Last night (7th of September) on CNN-IBN news channel, there was an offer of cooperation from China to India for the regional peace and stability in Asia. The offer of cooperation from China to India is a positive step forward from India’s largest neighbor. India and China are two great civilizations of the world and they should must cooperate with each other for the well being and economic prosperity of more than millions of people living in poverty in both the countries. Moreover, India’s guiding philosophy of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” (the whole world is one single family) doesn’t allow her to hate “any nations” of the world including its entire neighbor. China should be also sensitive on raising issue of Arunachal Pradesh & other areas, which might dampen the natural confluence of the people’s of both the nations. The need of the hour for India is to increase track-III diplomatic engagement with other nations of the world to preserve and promote world peace. The recent effort by India to establish new ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) chairs in different countries to increase awareness about India is a positive step in this direction. China and India having some differences on some important border issues could still learn many things from each other for the development of both the nations through cooperation.

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