12 November 2009

ICT urges Obama to offer mediator's role for China -Tibet dialogue

News Courtesy: phayul.com

Dharamsala, November 11 – The International Campaign for Tibet has urged the US President Barack Obama to offer a third party assistance to the Chinese government and His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s representatives in “defining a common goal for their dialogue, and push for an invitation for the Tibetan leader to visit China.

A letter signed by Hollywood actor Richard Gere on behalf of the board of directors for the Washington D.C based organization said, "If by not meeting [in October 2009] with His Holiness [the Dalai Lama] you intended to signal to General Secretary and President Hu Jintao that you expect an equally significant action from the Chinese government, there are a number of specific objectives that should be pursued."

In its first 10 months in office, the Obama Administration has made statements indicating a desire for meaningful results in the Tibetan-Chinese dialogue. It has also expressed its interest in new, creative approaches to resolve intractable issues, such as Tibet. Observers will be watching to see whether the President uses the opportunity of the US-China summit to rise to the challenge that his administration has set for itself.

In September, President Obama sent his Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett and Under Secretary of State and Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Maria Otero to Dharamsala, India, to convey his administration’s position. Jarrett revealed that the President and the Dalai Lama would meet sometime after the summit in November, and that the Dalai Lama "would value an opportunity to hear directly from the President about what transpired during the Beijing summit with regard to Tibet," according to the Tibetan leader’s Special Envoy, Lodi Gyari.

The letter acknowledged the magnanimous approach that the Dalai Lama took to the President's proposal that they meet only after the US-China Summit but aligns itself with the concern expressed by Vaclav Havel (a member of the ICT International Council of Advisors) that what might appear to be a "minor compromise" will in fact lead to further accommodation.

"We have always believed that America is essential to progress on Tibet. At the November summit, we urge you to bring the weight of your high office, the will of the American people, and your considerable commitment to human rights, nonviolence and peace to help move ahead on this very important issue."

The letter further said that no efforts will yield positive results as long as the Chinese government continues to vilify His Holiness the Dalai Lama and propagandize against the Tibetan people who remain committed to a peaceful resolution.

The letter was sent on behalf of the board Vice Chairman Gare Smith and board members Ellen Bork, Joel McCleary, Steve Schroeder, Marco Antonio Karam, Grace Spring, Melissa Mathison, Keith Pitts, Jim Kane and John Ackerly.

Barack Obama's first Asia trip as the US President begins November 12 and includes Tokyo, Singapore, Shanghai, Seoul, and Beijing.


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