22 October 2009

Tibetan Parliament Sad Over Brutal Killings in Communist China

News Courtesy: tibet.net
Note: Burma Review stands with the innocent non-violent peace loving Buddhist people of Tibet in their hour of great pain.
(22 October 2009) Voicing strong opposition to the arbitrary killing of Tibetans by the Chinese government, the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile expressed "great sadness" over the death of four Tibetans, who were executed in Lhasa Tuesday for their alleged role in the peaceful protests against China's wrong policies in Tibet last year.

"The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has come to know with great sadness that on the 20th October, 2009, the government of China has executed Lobsang Gyaltsen and three other Tibetans at Lhasa, who had participated in the Lhasa Protest of 2008, on the alleged charge that they had indulged in bloody killings in that protest," the Parliament said in a statement issued today.

"We pray that the three precious souls may rest in peace."

"Since the uprisings in Tibet last year, the Chinese Communist regime has been carrying out random arrests, imprisonments, torture and summary executions of Tibetans without the due processes of law."

"We strongly oppose such unlawful acts and call upon the government of China to put a stop to them forthwith. We also call upon all those who support the Tibetan cause to help redress the utter grievances of our people which they have been voicing peacefully for the last nearly sixty years. The Chinese government must also implement the rightful demands of the Tibetan people."

Those executed have been identified as Lobsang Gyaltsen, aged 27, born in Lhasa; Loyak, aged 25, of Tashi Khang, Shol Township, Lhasa and Penkyi, aged 21, born in Sakya County. The identity of the fourth person is still unknown.


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