30 October 2009

Say Apple – An Apple, Mango – A Mango, Monkey – A Monkey, don’t make a monk - Thief!

By: Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

A curious student, hungry for knowledge, asked his teacher a very difficult question – “how to follow Gandhi’s philosophy in current materialistic world to serve humanity”? After a little pause & thought, the teacher replied, it is very simple, start saying – apple – an apple, mango – a mango, monkey – a monkey but don’t make a monk & spiritual person like –Holy Dalai Lama – a thief!

Then equally difficult student asked, if I have to say - a Dragon - a Rabbit, a Monkey - a Parrot, a Mango – an Apple, a Chimpanzee – a Fox, a lovely tender Rose – a Stone, what I would do? The teacher replied - "become an Ambassador or join diplomatic service" or "membership of ruling political party of walled kingdom". Then, the curious student unsatisfied with the answers of his master asked again – "diplomatic services of which country"? The teacher quickly replied – Ambassadorship of any country will work, art of contemporary diplomacy is very scientific. It can make very simple thing appear complicated and complicated thing appear very simple. Student little confused with the answers, asked again – how come political party of walled kingdom figures into this? The teacher replied – ‘don’t you see my loved one, that, sometime, detention & house arrest of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi loved by the people of pagoda kingdom becomes an international problem for walled kingdom and sometimes an internal one! Student satisfied with answers, thanked his master, left him & walked towards countryside to spread the message singing - “Say apple – an apple, mango – a mango, monkey – a monkey, don’t make a monk thief...don't make a monk thief...don't make a monk thief...o...o...o...Great Holy Dalai Lama accept my salute!”


24 October 2009

UN Expert Urges Release of All Political Prisoners Before Elections

(Tomas Ojea Quintana, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar)

Photo & News Courtesy: UN News Centre

22 October 2009 – An independent United Nations expert has called on Myanmar’s Government to release all political prisoners before the national elections planned for 2010 so that the polls can be as inclusive as possible. “I told the Government that these elections should be fair and transparent, that freedom of speech, movement and association should be guaranteed in the country, and of course that all prisoners of conscience should be released before those elections,” Tomás Ojea Quintana told a news conference in New York.

In his most recent report on the issue, Mr. Quintana, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, said the Government missed an opportunity to prove its commitment to holding inclusive elections by extending the house arrest of pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, effectively barring her from participating in next year’s polls.

Earlier today he told the General Assembly committee dealing with social and humanitarian issues, also known as the Third Committee, that all political prisoners should be released to be able to participate, either as candidates or voters, in the elections – which the Government announced as the fifth step in its seven-step roadmap to democracy. Last year the Special Rapporteur proposed that four core human rights elements be completed before the 2010 elections.

He again urged the Government to implement the elements, which are the revision of domestic laws that limit fundamental rights, the progressive release of the estimated 2,000 prisoners of conscience still in detention, the reform and training of the military so that it conforms with human rights, and changes to the judiciary so that it is fully independent. He reported that the situation of human rights in Myanmar remains “alarming,” with “a pattern of widespread and systematic violations.” In addition, the prevailing impunity allowed for the continuation of those violations.

“I urge the Government to take prompt measures to establish accountability and responsibility with regard to those widespread and systematic human rights violations.”

Mr. Quintana also referred to the “starvation situation” in many parts of the country – including Kayin, North Rakhine, Chin, North Shan and East Shan states – and reports of “dire” economic and social conditions. He said he has asked the Government and the international community to try to find solutions to tackle poverty in the country.

Mr. Quintana, who has visited Myanmar twice since being appointed Special Rapporteur in May 2008, announced he will make his trip by the end of November. Like all Special Rapporteurs, he reports to the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council in an independent and unpaid capacity.


22 October 2009

Tibetan Parliament Sad Over Brutal Killings in Communist China

News Courtesy: tibet.net
Note: Burma Review stands with the innocent non-violent peace loving Buddhist people of Tibet in their hour of great pain.
(22 October 2009) Voicing strong opposition to the arbitrary killing of Tibetans by the Chinese government, the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile expressed "great sadness" over the death of four Tibetans, who were executed in Lhasa Tuesday for their alleged role in the peaceful protests against China's wrong policies in Tibet last year.

"The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has come to know with great sadness that on the 20th October, 2009, the government of China has executed Lobsang Gyaltsen and three other Tibetans at Lhasa, who had participated in the Lhasa Protest of 2008, on the alleged charge that they had indulged in bloody killings in that protest," the Parliament said in a statement issued today.

"We pray that the three precious souls may rest in peace."

"Since the uprisings in Tibet last year, the Chinese Communist regime has been carrying out random arrests, imprisonments, torture and summary executions of Tibetans without the due processes of law."

"We strongly oppose such unlawful acts and call upon the government of China to put a stop to them forthwith. We also call upon all those who support the Tibetan cause to help redress the utter grievances of our people which they have been voicing peacefully for the last nearly sixty years. The Chinese government must also implement the rightful demands of the Tibetan people."

Those executed have been identified as Lobsang Gyaltsen, aged 27, born in Lhasa; Loyak, aged 25, of Tashi Khang, Shol Township, Lhasa and Penkyi, aged 21, born in Sakya County. The identity of the fourth person is still unknown.


20 October 2009

Tibetans arrested for supporting His Holiness Dalai Lama

News Courtesy: tibet.net
(19 October 2009) Three Tibetans were arrested for uploading pictures and speeches of His Holiness the Dalai Lama on their blogs amid intense restrictions on the Internet in Tibet on 1 October, China's 60th founding anniversary.

Writing on the blogs and internet chatting are being closely monitored by the Chinese government agents.

The three youths from Rata village in Sog Dzong, Nagchu Prefecture, have been identified as Gyalseng, aged 25; Nyima Wangchu, 24 and Yeshi Namkha, 25.

They were also charged for keeping contacts with the outside world using the Internet.

They are being held in solitary confinement, having no contacts with any of their families and relatives.

The three youths are known to be regular user of the Internet.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government continues to force the patriotic education campaign among both the lay and monastic community in Sog Dzong.

Under the heightened indoctrination campaign, the customary celebration of the end of the monks' retreat at Tsenden monastery was also prohibited.

Both the monastic community and lay people feel deeply annoyed by the forced indoctrination sessions. The Tibetans are compelled to denounce their spiritual leader and temporal leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and the Central Tibetan Administration.


02 October 2009

Junta’s Tribute to Gandhi through Daw Suu Kyi’s Verdict

The unfortunate verdict announced today on Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, upholding the earlier lower court decision on her is highly condemnable. Moreover, the verdict came on the auspicious day of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary. Burma’s ruling military junta has missed the great historical opportunity to pacify the nation through love & compassion and preferred to solve the problem through ‘Guns’.