26 March 2009

US: No Change in Burma Policy

In its daily press briefings held on 26th March, United States has once again confirmed that, the visit of Director level official to Burma couldn’t be seen as a change in US policy concerning economic sanction. The US State Department Acting Deputy Spokesperson – Mr. Gordon Duguid while replying to number of questions on a senior US official visit to Burma said, “the visit also happened in the past. As new office directors come into their position, they do visit the embassies that are under their charge, and in this case, Mr. Blake did visit the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon, and did have contact with Burmese officials. However, his discussion with those officials is not something that I have anything for you on.”


While responding to the specific question on US economic sanction on Burma, Mr. Gordon stated that, “I have no indication that any decisions have been made at this point”, however, said that, “our policy on several areas, wide-ranging areas, are under review and when we have finished a policy review, we will be happy at that time to give a fuller explanation.” Later in its press release no. PRN 262, the US State Department also declared that, ‘prior to 24th March meeting with Burmese officials, our Charge d’Affaires in Rangoon, Larry Dinger, was the last US official to meet with the Foreign Minister of Burma - Nyan Win for a private meeting on January 5, 2009.’ The US State Department statement came after the news published in the official media of Burma – ‘The New Light of Myanmar’ that, ‘Director of the Office for Mainland Southeast Asia – Mr. Stephen Blake, met with Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win on last Tuesday.’


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