03 December 2008

Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation and Burma: A Meeting of ‘Common Faith’ (Part-II)

Before and after the signing of India-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation on 10th of October 2008, there had been articles by leading Indian strategic experts in Indian press negatively visualizing the growing ‘US-India relations (Please see the article of Mr. MK Bhadrakumar entitled, “India and the World of Tomorrow” (a distinguished Senior Indian diplomat served in Soviet Union, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, Turkey, Uzbekistan) published in The Hindu English daily, later re-published in the ‘Mainstream’ weekly, published from New Delhi on October 11, 2008, however later he modified the approach towards US by writing article entitled, “Coming to terms with Barack Obama” in 22nd of November 2008 issue of ‘Mainstream’ weekly), and the article by – Mr. Brahma Chellaney (he had been close with Atal Bihari Bajpayee Administration during his Prime Ministership) in Hindi daily – ‘Dainik Jagran’ on 13th November 2008 entitled, “America ki Nigah Main Bharat’ (India in the visions of America) and many other’s by left thinker’s which is quite natural. As I wrote earlier, that, I can understand left political party’s criticism, which could be assessed by frequent trips to Beijing by senior CPI and CPM leaders.

Mumbai Terror Attack, US, UK, China, Pakistan, Burma and the ‘Common Faith’:

However before dwelling upon the points of two leading strategic experts from India; which could influence Indian Foreign Policy. It is noteworthy to see after the tragic cowardice terrorist attack on Mumbai on 26th of November 2008, that the first world reaction of cooperation to fight against terrorism and strong condemnation of attack came from US and British administration including the strong statements from new elected President – Mr. Barack Obama that, ‘terror can’t defeat democracy in India’, fulfilling the ethos of ‘common faith’ reflected in the earlier statement by President – Mr. George W. Bush that, ‘US and India are natural partners’. Moreover, the statement from Mr. Bush and Mr. Obama came, when US administration was totally unaware that whether any American’s had been trapped, killed or not? And, it can’t be proposed that it was taking into the view of impending deaths of American or British national as the statement came long before media started reporting that, so called terrorists are searching for American, British and Israel’s national’s? Moreover, the press statement of US Secretary of State on 3rd of December evening in New Delhi, that, “non-state actors act of terrorism is responsibility of state” reflects the ethos of common faith against menace of terrorism, which India, Pakistan and USA should share together. Later on statements of condemnation came from Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Iran, Sri Lanka and other countries. Most importantly, the statement of condemnation of standing with India in her hours of need also came strongly from Burma’s Government in exile, which is engaged in fighting for the restoration of democracy and freedom of Nobel peace laureate and leading light of non-violence in Asia - Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s journey of common faith.

UK’s reaction with India had been the mirror of long existing strong bondage of ‘common faith’ despite UK being part of US strategic alliance from the time of India’s first Prime Minister - Jawaharlal Nehru and Non-Aligned Movement. Which even her daughter - Mrs. Indira Gandhi didn’t disturb while riding twenty years of friendship with Soviet Union. That was also reflection of the training of building ‘human personal linkages’ of balancing act in international relations, which Mrs Indira Gandhi learned from her father Nehru ji by accompanying him in various foreign trips, which Nehru learned at the feet of Mahatma Gandhi.

Chinese late reaction of condemnation of Mumbai terror attack was unnoticed in electronic news channel of India, which was published in ‘Hindustan Times’ daily. However, interestingly Chinese mainstream official media agency like - Xinhuanet etc. didn’t give suitable place to official condemnation voice of China against Indian terror attack. Moreover, as reported by different Indian electronic news channel of evidence of using Chinese ordinance factory made ‘grenades’ by terrorists is a cause of serious concern, which Indian enforcement agency must be working to decipher besides Pakistan’s linkages. Because it may be possible of proliferation of arms from a democratic society/nations but it is difficult to believe that how it could be possible from the ordinance factory of regimented society like – China or whether China made grenades were in the list of arms purchase of Pakistan or not? And if it has been purchased by Pakistan (which has least possibility because Pakistan has capability to manufacture grenades and the cooperation is more focused in missile technology) then China should refrain from providing arms & ammunition to unstable nations of world community, which could ultimately reach to terrorists hands.

Moreover, the timing of Mumbai terrorist attack happened, when Burma’s ruling military junta had been intensely engaged in awarding lengthy prison sentences to peaceful non-violent protestors despite call given against it by the UN Secretary General and world community. In turn resulting into the world wide condemnation against the long term prison sentences, as well as by the UN General Assembly third committee voting on 21st of November, and the latest by Netherland’s Foreign Minister’s strong condemnation on the sentences of leading comedian of Burma. The issue of long term prison sentences in Burma had soon attracted worldwide focus on the suppression of non-violent peaceful protestors. However, the gruesome terrorist attacks on Mumbai shifted the attention of world community from Burma to the problem of world-wide menace of international terrorism. The diversion from the issue of Burma’s long term prison sentences to non-violent protestors may have resulted into the sigh of relief for one of the key Asian major power? How much the issue of Burma’s democratic agenda had been uncomfortable to one of the major key powers of Asia could be ascertained from her reaction during August-September Saffron 2007 revolution in Burma? I had already indicated in my earlier post that, US by mistake considering Pakistan as her strategic arm in South Asia but foolishness of defence establishment in Pakistan made her strategic arm of China in pursuing politics of rivalry with India without any control of Pakistan’s political leadership.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister was prompt in responding of standing with India and was a welcome step but later terrorist’s left documentary evidences and linkages with Pakistan based organization took away gestures of Pakistan government. Indian External Affairs Minister – Mr. Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister – Dr. Manmohan Singh had been rightly harsh on Pakistan as the evidence suggested but they should also know that Pakistan’s defence forces and intelligence agency are not in full control of Pakistan’s political leadership, which gets reflected in frequent military coup in Pakistan. Moreover many senior officers of Pakistan’s army and intelligence may have linkages with Chinese defence establishment (might be without any knowledge of Pakistani leadership) and lacks political vision and commitment of the maker of Pakistan – Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who wanted to make a strong democratic Pakistan. Jinnah’s dream of strong democratic Pakistan guarantee’s individual freedom of expression, and not the regimented ideology of governance of religious fanaticism and the examples of the brutal suppression of student’s democratic protest, which happened in China in 1989 at Tianmann Square. Jinnah - the maker of Pakistan carved a nation from British Empire on religious ground but Jinnah by nature and his political vision was one of the greatest personalities of modern scientific outlook and strongly hated religious dogmatism.

The writings and ethos of Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s political vision also supported strong mutual friendship with India, which was unfortunately missed by the later political leadership of Pakistan. The democratic Pakistan and India shares many things in common and both nations can’t afford to remain aloof. It is for Pakistan’s benefit that, it should cooperate with India related with the Mumbai terrorist attack, Prisoners of War issues and on other social, economic and cultural issues as two brothers can’t remain distanced for long time on traditional pity issues. Pakistan’s political leadership should also understand that the certain forces inside Pakistan doesn’t want better relations with India against the political visions of ‘common faith’ of makers of India and Pakistan viz.- Mahatma Gandhi and Jinnah.

Moreover, these so called forces of ‘cult of violence’ couldn’t take any lessons of history and poorly trained in the ‘art of political complaining’ foolishly resorts to the act of ‘violence’ as an easy way to disseminate their views on religious and political ideological plank harming their own society and their target nation’s innocent people against the political visions & higher intellect of Gandhi and Jinnah. They can’t understand the structures & powers of modern nation state and its redressal & suppression mechanism and change from a situation of conventional warfare system of second-world war to high technology warfare of 21st century. Does anyone could think or imagine rationally of successfully completing a long march like - Mao Tse-tung in 2008, which was accomplished in 1934-35 against Chiang Kai-shek regime on the ideology of violence to change the state structure?

Gandhi, Nehru and Jinnah had been not a common politician like – Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma and were well trained in the ‘art of political complaining’. Although unfortunately Burmese military junta couldn’t comprehend Daw Suu Kyi’s political vision of united Burma and want to play only a subservient secondary role of China and Russia. If Burma’s military Junta thinks that, Daw Suu after freedom would play a secondary role of USA and western powers like they are playing with China then they have not understood her political vision well.

The topic of ‘cult of violence’ needs special serious attention, which will be tackled in later post. In brief as I earlier wrote that Gandhi ji was right in his observation that, “Asian’s are very poor in the ‘art of political complaining’ which also applies to the contemporary emerging problem of violence in Southeast Asia, Africa and West Asia. Regarding the specific question of Iraq and violence associated with Islamic terrorism, it would be not wise to comment on it as the present post doesn’t focuses on the concerned issue. However, besides many other factors it is also a problem and crisis of vacuums of intellectual Islamic political leadership in international stage and lack of personality like – Mustafa Kamal Pasha of Turkey and Jinnah of Pakistan in Islamic society. It is unfortunate that due to the spirit of vengeance and lack of modern political intellectual leadership in Islamic society the leadership of Islam had been taken by destructive forces against the basic ethos of holy Quran. It also happened because the earlier famous universities or higher educational institution of Islamic world like- Cairo University, Aligarh Muslim University lost its world-wide reputation and many who went to the western world’s reputed educational institutions didn’t return to take the political leadership of their respective nation.

The Strength of Democratic India in Common Faith:

The strength of vibrant Indian democratic traditions found extempore unified outburst of Indian people against the Mumbai terrorist attack including voices from eminent persons, business class and film stars in many cities of India. One of the important points of rich democratic ethos could be seen in the fifty-nine hours ordeal 'of fierce gun battle between NSG commandos and terrorists, where more than two thousand people remained standing day and night to cheer commandos with the vocal voice – ‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ (Hail Mother India) despite repeated request by Mumbai police to leave the place for safety. It was the same tragic situation, which happened on 11 September 2001 in USA and US enforcement agencies found tremendous support of local American people without fear in rescue operations in their journey of ‘common faith’.


(This article is second part of the posts first published on 14th of October 2008, earlier I couldn’t focus on the concerned topic because of my intense engagement with the present job giving little time to react on developments in world politics, infrastructural bottlenecks, so many of my earlier promised post hasn’t appeared till date, the next post will be the concluding one answering the questions raised by India’s two leading strategic experts. Rajshekhar, Burma Review)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rajshekhar for the post. India should support Burma's democracy movement.

Pankaj Sinha