21 July 2017

Some Reflections on the existing notions in Modern Contemporary India

Who has established these notions in Modern Contemporary India or for me Obstacles of Growth in India - 1. Sun is a sign of prosperity and rain and water is of poverty, 2. If you are in touch with missionaries or supports close interaction with western civilization - you are a dog, 3. If you have independent or free enough to talk with other political parties or views - you are a monkey, (4.) If you are a learned or well read person you are like - King Cobra having diamond with no use or like Python snake (Bacause you can't be dictated), (5.) If you have some Muslim friends, shopkeepers will give you goods in black polythin or (6) if you belief in non-violence or peace , or having only hindu friends , they will give you goods in white polythin, (7.) If you are a frank in your thought or journalist , you are a parrot and many more like these notions (about sand, horse etc.) exists in contemporary India , which I have minutely observed and want to share it with readers with the words of great eminent historian of India - Sir Jadunath Sarkar - "We must not forget that modern Indian civilization is a composite daily growing product and not a mummy preserved in dry sand for four thousand years."