07 June 2009

A Story of an Angel, White Pigeons, Timmy Cat and Red Rat

By: Mr. Vijay ‘Bidrohi’

This is a story of ‘Red Rats’ of a walled kingdom of eastern civilization, an ‘Angel’, and ‘Timmy Cat’ of a far away land of liberty monument of western civilization. All of them live in a crisis ridden planet earth. However, in the ‘walled kingdom’, not only red rats live, but there are many ‘white pigeons’ who have become ‘red rats’ out of fear from ‘revolver wielding red rats’. Red rats were perturbed recently, when more than five thousand white pigeons assembled at ‘Honku Island’ on 31st May remembering twentieth anniversary of ‘Tin-Min’ point sacrifice of students. White pigeons were chanting –‘freedom’…freedom…freedom! They declared to organize larger protest on the falling eventful day of 4th of June! So red rats quickly flooded ‘Tin-Min’ Point on 4th of June with arms wielding red rats to prevent repetition of event and blocked all white pigeons from reporting any news about the event. However, red rats officially believe in freedom of all animal kingdoms ‘putting cause of common rats first’, ‘making rats master of their fate’ and ‘transparency in news reporting’?

Red Rats advocate that, it is essential for the safety of fellow ‘poor rats’ getting harmed from their arch enemy naughty ‘Cats’ to keep ‘revolver’. They consider all the ‘Cats’ very naughty always engaged in stealing their grains and creating hindrance in making ‘an ideal planet earth’, where ‘tiger’, lion, monkeys, goats, squirrel, crow, dogs, hen, chimpanzee etc. could become red and should only eat ‘grains’. In the ‘ideal planet earth’ of ‘red rats’; monkey could marry a tiger, lion could marry a squirrel, and goat can marry a crow etc., wearing one pattern of cloth and could live in the same type of houses. However, leaders of Red Rats don’t live in ‘common houses’ as per the objective of their philosophy. But in ‘palaces’ of pigeon monarchs replaced in red revolution. Red rats strongly believes in red reading, red drinking, red eating, red sleeping and even at night they chant – give me red…give me red…give me red! They say it is scientific.

In ‘liberty land’, majority population comprises of white pigeons and minority black pigeons and not of ‘cats’. Their philosophy gives space from changing pigeon to become cats. So some cats also live in liberty land. They don’t consider cats as a threat because at any danger they can fly away from cat attacks. Cats can’t fly if any thing goes wrong. To run their liberty land, they have formed two groups – ‘Dommy Pigeon Group’ and ‘Roopy Pigeon Group’. In recent election, pigeons voted for ‘Dommy Pigeons’ to run ‘liberty land’ and they selected ‘a graceful black pigeon’ as their leader. After getting elected, the black pigeon leader started world tour of ‘green pigeon land’ and offers to debate about the issues rather than fighting. Roopy Pigeon group now in minority got alert by new ‘Dommy pigeons’ leader approach to the problem which might endanger the security of ‘liberty land’ and many among them started shouting – ‘he is not a black pigeon but a ‘red rat’ in a costume of black pigeon bent upon destroying our ‘liberty land’, beware of him…beware of him! Now-a-days, both groups are engaged in attacking each other giving little attention to their own history of unity and strength required in any crisis.

Most of pigeons of ‘Liberty land’ have fallen to a habit of eating ‘ice-creams’. It is presently in short supply in liberty land. Red Rats, the old enemy of ‘Liberty Land’ know the weakness and fondness of ice-cream of white pigeons, so they soon shifted in task of making huge tasty ‘ice-cream’ as earlier strategies have not quite worked out in changing the planet earth into red.

Recently, after a long hard work red rats have developed an ‘ice-cream’ worth 200 billion dollars. Red Rats are very happy as all Cats of the world are now running towards their walled kingdom to get the tasty bite of ‘ice-cream’ and offering them to open ‘ice-cream parlor’ in their kingdoms. Although for red rats as they say, they don’t like bitter taste of ‘ice-cream’ and prefers to live by eating ‘grains’ like poor brethren rats. As they strongly believe in ‘poor rats of the world unite’. However, at night, leaders of red rats used to taste ice-cream, which is not for all red rats.

Since ‘liberty land’ is facing crisis of ice-creams, so they have selected ‘Timmy Cat’ to manage the procurement of tasty ice-cream. Timmy Cat has long experience of ice-cream making and also has good links with walled kingdom. So he made a trip to walled kingdom to convince red rats to give their ice-cream for safe keeping in ‘liberty land’. Timmy cat assured leaders of red rats that their ice-cream is in safe hands and will not melt away. But red rats know the naughty behaviour of their arch enemy cats. So they organized a meeting of expert red rats to seek opinion on the issue and majority of them suggested it is not safe in the hands of cats. Although, Red Rats finally opined that, ‘Timmy Cat’ is there so we can be sure of the safety of our precious ice-cream. The pigeons of liberty land has forgotten that strength of their nation doesn’t lie in fatal ‘ice-creams’ eating. But realizing the inherent potentiality of their land as well as setting example from leadership to change the eating behaviour of white pigeons.

Moreover, the new leader of ‘Ganges land’ in turban seeing cozy behaviour of ‘liberty land’ with ‘walled kingdom’ also started saying – we also want multi-faceted cooperation with walled kingdom. Red Rats also announced walled kingdom has to learn many things from Ganges land, which they lovingly refer as ‘elephant kingdom’. Now both are diplomatic. This is also scientific. The ‘art of diplomacy’ is scientific experiments, which only leaders and ambassadors of modern world know.

Near to walled kingdom, in pagoda land; an Angel after a long stay at Liberty land, Ganges land returned to home to see her ailing mother and got involved accidently in making white pigeons free. White pigeons of pagoda land say that their place has suffered much due to the atrocities of ‘group of oxen’s ruling the country in the name of creating peace and development. Oxen’s say, they are also white pigeons, wrongly coined ‘Oxen’s’ by trouble making ‘red rats’. They saved the kingdom from the attacks of ‘red rats’ and red rats in uniform of white pigeon are using the ‘Angel’ to replace them. They also say that, this foolish naïve angel doesn’t know reality surrounded by red rats posing as a white pigeons and its danger to the pagoda land. Angel says, she knows too much about the history of pagoda land and knows everything and can manage confused red rats to return as non-violent white pigeons. But ‘oxen’s are not buying her theory and recently started trial of her on the pretext of unauthorized intrusion of white pigeon of liberty land.

The poor white pigeons of pagoda land are confused what to do in this awkward situation? Some time they make an appeal to liberty land for the freedom of Angel, sometime to Red Rats, sometime to the new leader of white pigeon in turban of Ganges land, some time to a powerful white bison that was earlier red. Internally, everyone including the majority of so called oxen’s wants to free the angel except Red Rats of walled kingdom and her powerful ally new white bison. The confused white pigeons of pagoda land have developed a fatal habit of fighting opposite forces with the tactics of ‘red rats’. So sometime they also clamour that this foolish ‘non-violent’ way would not result into any thing. They still don’t have the proper understanding of ‘non-violence’ philosophy except the Angel. In which, opposite forces - the so called oxen’s are not enemy but an institution to engage rather than permanent hate & boycotting. Oxen’s are also making mistake by not giving chance to the Angel by freeing her to make misguided white pigeons return into legal fold. The whole animal kingdom of planet earth is curiously watching the trial of Angel. Me too, a very weak and small squirrel suffered heavily from the attacks of some ugly bad ‘Cats’ from 'Ganges Land' also expecting her release!

(The End)
